- Kaggle dataset https://www.kaggle.com/mbkinaci/fruit-images-for-object-detection
- A function in the jupyter notebook do the following tasks:
- Input:
- Takes the path of the folder as the input
- Process:
- Loads all the images and convert them to an array
- Convert all the images to grayscale images
- Output:
- Number of images
- Format type of the images
- Saving all the grayscale images to another folder
- Input:
- Example
- Data https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KZ5sVLpEMqt4I4Yj3Sg8BAVJQ-5h9Nyw?usp=sharing
- A function in python script do the following:
i. Inputs: Input the folder name and csv filename through command line
ii. To-Do:
- Read all the images
- Read the csv file, and get the image label names and coordinates
- Draws the bounding boxes for every image, using the corresponding image’s coordinates (Use different colour and thickness for the bounding boxes)
- Added labels for every image (Use different font, font colour, font, size)
- Created another folder and saved all the images to the folder
- Example
AIM: To create a neural network model of the highest accuracy, with the least number of parameters (can read about parameters - https://towardsdatascience.com/model-parameters-and-hyperparameters-in-machine-learning-what-is-the-difference-702d30970f6 )
- Download the dataset - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AlztDRzHhuavHPb77o9ZDHGIp6za77AR?usp=sharing
- Created all the pre-processing steps similar to the one from the above notebooks
- Created a Neural network model using Keras and train the model on the training dataset
- Tested the model on the test dataset