“Kebab King” is a web application for a fast food and more specifically its about kebabs.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
or download ZIP
Install packages in server and run the server
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ node index
Install packages in root folder and run the app
$ npm install
$ npm start
- o Login in current application using email and password of already registered user.
- o Register a new user by providing email, password and username.
- o Logouts from the application.
- o List top-six kebabs by user likes
- o List all kebabs. Nine per page
- o Search kebabs by their name
- o Add kebab to the cart or view details
- o Show kebab details
- o Add kebab review
- o Each user can like/unlike the kebab
- o Users add kebabs to the cart
- o Users select quantity of the chosen product
- o Users have option to remove product from the cart
- o Users have option to checkout or to continue shopping
- o List user orders
- o Navigate to order details
- o Shows full order details
- o Admin route only
- o Create a new kebab entry and save it to the database
- o Admin route only
- o Edit existing kebab entry and save it to the database
- o Admin route only
- o Remove kebab entry from the database
- o Admin route only
- o View all pending orders
- o Navigate to order details
- o Approve order