When using Neovim from WSL and Godot from Windows - the LSP file paths are not compatible
This is the simple TCP proxy that mirrors requests that LSP protocol does (JSON RPC), finds and replaces paths both ways: from linux to windows and from windows to linux
It works as a separate server that LSP Client from your editor should connect to
This project is inspired by godot-wsl-lsp and is a successor to Python godot-wsl-proxy but uses low-level memory-safe compiled language to perform proxying lightning-fast
Download the binary distributtion and SHA256 checksum
wget "https://github.com/venomlab/godot-wsl-proxy.zig/releases/latest/download/godot-wsl-proxy-$(uname -m)-$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').tar.gz"
wget "https://github.com/venomlab/godot-wsl-proxy.zig/releases/latest/download/godot-wsl-proxy-$(uname -m)-$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').tar.gz.sha256"
Validate the checksum
sha256sum -c "godot-wsl-proxy-$(uname -m)-$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').tar.gz.sha256"
You should receive OK
output from sha256 command
Then unpack the .tar.gz
tar -xvf "godot-wsl-proxy-$(uname -m)-$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').tar.gz"
And now - install it somewhere within PATH
. For example, ~/.local/bin/
install godot-wsl-proxy ~/.local/bin/
First, pull the repo
git clone https://github.com/venomlab/godot-wsl-proxy.zig godot-wsl-proxy
Go inside a folder and compile it in a release mode
cd godot-wsl-proxy
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe
Then install it into your .local/bin
install zig-out/bin/godot-wsl-proxy ~/.local/bin -v
You can easily configure this via small customization of nvim-lspconfig
if os.getenv("WSL_DISTRO_NAME") ~= nil then -- Easy way to check if it is WSL or no
on_attach = on_attach, -- Your buffer on_attach function
cmd = { "godot-wsl-proxy" },
on_attach = on_attach, -- Your buffer on_attach function
In future I may add this to Mason