A simple loading screen resource for FiveM.
- Progressbar
- Can have multiple progress bars for each type.
- Can have single progress bars for all types
- Loading screen image
- Rotating loading messages
- Music player
- Play videos directly from youtube.
- Pause and unpause and control volume on the fly.
- Backgrounds
- Rotating backgrounds with fade in and fade out.
- All of the above can be edited in the config.
- Open for idea's! <3
Download the files from the repository (or see releases)
Create a folder in your resources folder named "synn-loadscreen"
Add the files into the newly create folder in the resources.
Add "start synn-loadscreen" to your server.cfg
And you are good to go!
Issue 1 Race condition between my loadscreen resource and the events that need to get passed to the loadscreen. Implications are that some loadbars do not fill and upon connecting nothing happens.
Feel free to make any pull request, if you believe it is an improvement to the current state.
Feature requests and/or enhancements can be posted into the issues.
This project falls under the GNU GPLv2 license. (see LICENSE)
If you intend to modify this resource:
- Have a reference back to this GitHub repository
- The source must be publicly available (as stated in GPL 2.0)
- State the changes you made.
- Include the same license (GNU GPL 2.0) (See LICENSE)
If you intend to distibute
- Have a reference back to this GitHub repository or FiveM topic.
The follow source(s) were used to create this resource. This might be useful for further research.
- Loading Screen guide by Denziel0495
- Default loading screen of FiveM
- TheStonedTurtle's implementation
- The Elements/FiveM developers in the FiveM discord for lending a hand.
Feel free to contact me about issues, feature request or questions. (anything really!)
If you wish to contact me:
- Via the FiveM discord, send me a friend request (PM's are disabled)
- Via my own discord, here
- Via the FiveM forums
- Via e-mail:
fivem at synn.nl
Discord is the prefered way of contact.