- Virtual Trail Room is an augmented reality dressing room where user or customer will allow to try apparel on their body it self. Virtual Trail Room where the image of the user is captured by the webcam or any other camera and given as an input. By using the face and body detection techniques, the video is scanned for the presence of human faces and then product images are masked. Now the masked image is superimposed and the user can see the images of the dresses and face accessories on them self.
- VTR Provides real-time experience on wearables like cloths, ornaments, etc.
- VTR saves users time instead of going offline shopping which they can do online.
- Used HTML, CSS and JavaScript for frontend. Python and Flask was used for back-end and MySQL for maintaining database.
To run :
\Project>python main.py
('.' Run this command if you've already installed all the packages, otherwise follow from Step 2)
pip install cmake
pip install dlib
If it doesn't work then, visit this Github repository and download.
then go to the downloads and copy the path where github repository is downloaded, and also copy the file name.
pip install "github repository path\filename"
Still not able to follow? Watch this to install dlib - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUJKdehF2ZA
pip install flask
pip install imutils
pip install opencv-python
pip install tk
pip install pillow
pip install flask_pymongo
pip install tk