SCO is a comprehensive package designed to automate the development and deployment of SCORM content. It consist of a set of python scritps to manage the imsmanifest.xml file and a javaScript library to simplify SCORM's API managament.
To install the SCO package, follow the steps below:
$ pip install scocli
If facing the next problem while installing:
create a virtual enviroment and activate with:
$ virtualenv myenv
$ source myenv/bin/activate
And then try to use pip install again
scocli is a package of python scripts to manage the imsmanifest.xml file which defines a SCORM application. allows you to create a SCORM application as a template, installing algo the javaScript API library. The structure of the template is as follows:
├── index.html
├── package-lock.json
├── html/
├── images/
├── package.json
├── imsmanifest.xml
├── node_modules/
│ ├── scoapi/
│ │ ├── scoAPI.js
│ │ ├── .babelrc
│ │ └── package.json
│ └── .package-lock.json
├── javascript/
│ └── APIinit.js
└── css/
The main elements here are:
- imsmanifest.xml: Is the file which our package will interact with
- node_module: Is where or API library is stored, for it to be used, it must be importated:
<script src = "node_modules/scoapi/scoAPI.js"> </script>
Create a new resource in the SCORM manifest, and also adds a new element to the organization, which refers to the new resource.
Run it from the command line and pass the paths of the files you want to add to the new resource in the imsmanifest.xml
. For example:
$ <main_file.html> [files]
Then, you will be prompted to add an identifier for the new resource and a title. Do not declare two resource with the same identifier.
If you provide an identifier, then the files selected will be added to the already created resource.
Deletes a resource from the manifest, deleting all the organization items that refer to the destroyed resource.
Run it from the command line and specifie the identifier of the resource to be deleted
$ <item_identifier>
Prints the manifest in a pretiffy format
Run it from the terminal in the imsmanifest.xml directory.
Allows to organize the order in which the contents of the SCORM application are presented.
Run it from the terminal in the imsmanifest.xml directory. Indicate the identifier of the resource you want to reorganize, and the new position.
$ <item_identifier> <new_position>
Validates the correct configuration of the imsmanifest.xml file, taking into account all the files in the projects. The next validations are checked:
- The existence of a imsmanifest.xml file in the root of the project.
- The correct structure of the imsmanifest, checking that every opened tag is closes.
- The organization of the manifest, checking that the tags "metadata" "organization" and "resources" exists and have at least one item.
- The declaration of all the project files in the imsmanifest resources section, to ensure that every declare metadata is declared and accesible.
Run it from the terminal in the imsmanifest.xml directory
Creates the .zip package to be uploaded in the LMS.
Run it from the terminal in the imsmanifest.xml directory. The name of .zip file created will be the name of the current directory.
scoapi is a JavaScript to wrap the functionality of the SCORM's API in a simplified interface for developing.
Intializes the SCORM API, it is recommended to add this call at the beginning of the SCORM application. It returns the API is succesfull, returns null otherwise.
It terminates the interaction with the SCORM API, setting the status of the current activity to "completed". returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise.