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Ken Haase edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

The following persons (with affiliations indicated, as of 6/20/2023) contributed to the development of the 2020 Disclosure Avoidance System code repository:

  1. Philip Leclerc (DAS Team Scientific Lead; U.S. Census Bureau Operations Research Analyst)
  2. Dan Kifer (Professor at Pennsylvania State University; formerly U.S. Census Bureau Computer Scientist DAS Team Scientific Lead)
  3. Kenneth Haase (DAS Team Engineering Lead; U.S. Census Bureau Senior Computer Scientist)
  4. Simson Garfinkel (formerly U.S. Census Bureau Senior Computer Scientist DAS Team Engineering Lead)
  5. Robert Ashmead (U.S. Census Bureau Mathematical Statistician; Research Scientist, Ohio Colleges of Medicine)
  6. William Sexton (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Tumult Labs; formerly U.S. Census Bureau Mathematical Statistician)
  7. Carl Anderson (U.S. Census Bureau Computer Scientist)
  8. Michael Hawes (U.S. Census Bureau Senior Advisor for Data Access and Privacy)
  9. Ryan Cummings (U.S. Census Bureau Economist)
  10. Brett Moran (U.S. Census Bureau Research Specialist)
  11. Pavel Zhuravlev (U.S. Census Bureau Mathematical Statistician)
  12. Casey Blalock (U.S. Census Bureau Mathematical Statistician)
  13. Claudia Molinar (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Econometrica/Technical Writer)
  14. Christine Task (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  15. Jason Suagee (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  16. Jonathan Woodell (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  17. Joseph Graus (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  18. Micah Heineck (formerly U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  19. Michael Cowan (formerly U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  20. Alexander Williams (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  21. Christine Heiss (formerly U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  22. Jeffrey Hodges (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  23. David Lee (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Knexus Research Corp.)
  24. Timothy Beggs (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Econometrica Inc.)
  25. David Darais (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  26. Sourya Dey (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  27. Josh Heumann (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  28. Rawane Issa - (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  29. Ethan Lew - (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  30. Scott Moore - (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  31. Val Robert - (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  32. Mark Tullsen - (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  33. Matt Yacavone - (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Galois; developer of DGM component)
  34. Gerome Miklau (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Tumult Labs; Professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst; developer of HDMM submodule)
  35. Ryan McKenna (Graduate Student at University of Massachusetts Amherst; developer of HDMM submodule)
  36. George Bissias (Graduate Student at University of Massachusetts Amherst; developer of HDMM submodule)
  37. Ashwin Machanavajjhala (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Tumult Labs; Professor at Duke University; developer of HDMM submodule)
  38. Michael Hay (U.S. Census Bureau Contractor/Tumult Labs; Professor at Colgate University; developer of HDMM submodule)
  39. John Abowd (formerly U.S. Census Bureau Chief Scientist and Associate Director for Research and Methodology)