This is a latex document template for LEA students, writing a project report a thesis or a dissertation.
Run 'main.tex' using an LaTeX editor, e.g. TexStudio.
Create a new Project by importing the ZIP file from the GitHub release section (see right side on this page)!
Set the main document :
-> Main Document
-> main.tex
Use the default compiler PdfLaTeX
Change the bibliography program to Biber
-> Configure TeXstudio
-> Generate
-> default bibliography program: Biber
Do not modify the .cls
file. Add onw LaTeX packages into the chapters/header.tex
You might need to install some packages from the repositories. Arch Linux example here:
- texlive-langgerman (in case of using the german language)
Run the shell script
in the subfolder to clean up all auxiliary files with one command.
- .latexmkrc/latexmkrc is for the glossary and should not be removed
- for creating PDF/A files, see this example code.