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Generate changelog files from the project's GitHub PRs.

NPM version Untile github changelog generator is released under the MIT license. Follow @untiledigital


Generate a new GitHub Personal Access Token and save it to your .zshrc.local, .bashrc.local or similar:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_github_personal_access_token>

To see a list of available options, run the following command:

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --help

        --version             Show version number                        [boolean]
    -b, --base-branch         Specify the base branch name
                                                      [string] [default: "master"]
    -f, --future-release      Specify the next release version            [string]
    -t, --future-release-tag  Specify the next release tag name if it is different
                              from the release version                    [string]
    -p, --package-name        If monorepo, the name of the package for which to
                              generate the changelog                      [string]
    -l, --labels              Comma-separated labels to filter pull requests by
    -o, --owner               Owner of the repository                     [string]
    -r, --repo                Name of the repository                      [string]
        --rebuild             Rebuild the full changelog                 [boolean]
    -d, --output              Path of the changelog file. If omitted, it will be
                              automatically inferred.                     [string]
        --stdout              Outputs to stdout instead of a file.       [boolean]
    -h, --help                Show help                                  [boolean]

  Generate changelog files from the project's GitHub PRs


To generate a changelog for your GitHub project, use the following command:

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --rebuild

This will generate the changelog with all the releases and output it to


This option allows you to filter PRs for a given branch. If not specified, it defaults to the "master" branch.

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --base-branch development


This allows you to specify a new release and generate its changelog. This changelog includes all pull requests (PRs) that have been merged since the last release. To also include changelogs for past releases, use the --rebuild option with --future-release. At least one of these two options is required; otherwise, the output will be empty.

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --future-release 1.0.0


If you are working with workspaces, you can keep a separate changelog for each package. Use the --package-name option to specify a package, and only its releases and pull requests will be considered.

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --future-release 1.0.0 --package-name project-x

⚠️ In monorepos, it is necessary to add labels to PRs because it is the way to identify the changes and generate separate changelogs for each package. For example, using the labeler

🔥 In order to parse tags correctly, the tag convention must be <package-name>/<version>

--output, --stdout

You can specify a path to a changelog file using the --output option. If the file already exists, the new changelog will be appended to the top. If used with --rebuild, the file will be overwritten.

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --future-release 1.0.0 --output

If both the --stdout and --output options are omitted, it will automatically write to a file in the project root. If used with --package-name, it will instead output to that package's root. The same appending/overwriting logic as --output applies.

--owner, --repo

If you are not inside your project's folder structure, you will need to manually specify the owner and name of the repository:

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --rebuild --owner untile --repo github-changelog-generator


This option allows you to filter pull requests based on their labels, which can be useful in certain situations.

$ yarn github-changelog-generator --future-release 1.0.0 --labels bugfix,support


Be sure to have configured GITHUB_TOKEN in your globals.

yarn build
npm version [<new version> | major | minor | patch] -m "Release %s"
git push origin master && git push --tags