v0.3.0 (2019-08-26)
Closed issues:
- Register 0.2.0 (#58)
- CI fail for nightly build (#57)
- Using generated function without doing any calculation during type inference (#52)
- Why isn't the notatation for einsumopt the same as for einsum? (#49)
- Optimal Contraction Order (#28)
- Add simd support to increase CPU performance (#26)
- use @adjoint! instead of @adjoint for einsum! AD (#18)
- About type changes in backward pass (#16)
- List of testing cases (#6)
Merged pull requests:
- fix scalar output for sum, trace and hadamard, fix scalar input, expo… (#72) (GiggleLiu)
- Add flowchart to index (#71) (under-Peter)
- Remove old interface, einsumopt and superfluous implementations (#70) (under-Peter)
- 3 coloring example (#68) (GiggleLiu)
- allow additional size information (#67) (GiggleLiu)
- Add docs (#65) (under-Peter)
- Add matmul permutations (#64) (under-Peter)
- Allow permtations in Hadamard/Sum/Partial Trace specifications (#62) (under-Peter)
- faster fallback implementation (#60) (GiggleLiu)