This module is designed to utilize an exsiting drupal archivesspace module to facilitate archivesspace finding aid data migration to drupal site
- Install the module
- Install via composer (
composer require drupal/aspace_findingaid
- Install via composer (
- Enable the module and its dependencies
drush en -y migrate_tools, migrate_plus
drush en -y aspace_findingaid
- Confirm modules status (
drush pml --type=module --status=enabled | grep migrate_plus
- Configurate Module Settings
Archivesspace Finding Aid migration uses ArchivesSpace API endpoint. The Resource prefix uris are used to link its associated objects contained in the resource. Please visit
/admin/configuration/Resource EAD settings
in your Drupal site to configure these settings before migration.
- Use drush to execute migration. Add --limit or --update to limit data migration record or process a migration data updates
drush mim aspace_findingaid --limit=10