(Just some CSS for the aesthetic, no implementation code.)
These styles were developed primarily with Marked in mind meaning they are not at all cross-browser tested. I'll put up a more complete version when I get a chance. If you take matters into your own hands, please fork on github or send me your updates for inclusion!
Instructions and demo at http://ttscoff.github.com/popupsCSS/.
All popups use a div with a class of popup and an unordered list. For a button list, just make the list items links. Additional classes add arrows, remove dividers and justify text.
The arrows are created using a span element with a class of 'arrow' before the end of the div container. The :after selector is used to create a square element, rotate it 90° and clip it into a triangle.
<div class="popup">
<li><a href="#">Option 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Option 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Option 3</a></li>
<div class="popup">
<li>100 words</li>
<li>15 lines</li>
<li>3,504 characters</li>
<li>1,000,000 smiles</li>
<li>4 turtle doves</li>
<li>1 you</li>
<span class="arrow"></span>
- north, south, east, west: add directional arrows
- compact: lower padding between items
- nodivider: remove dividers between items
- left: left-justify text in list items (default centered)