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Peter Tröger edited this page Apr 27, 2015 · 7 revisions

Installation on your production machines

  • We assume you got a running Vagrant with a development environment (see DeveloperHowto), and that you intend to deploy your own modified version of FuzzEd.
  • Adjust the version number in FuzzEd/, and perform the packaging of your version with scons package.
  • Create a file for your environment in ansible/inventories/<envname>. Check the ansible/inventories/template file for the correct syntax.
  • Store the host-specific settings in file ansible/host_vars/<hostname>. Check the ansible/host_vars/template file for an example.
  • Run ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/<envname> ansible/production.yml. On request, enter the version number you have chosen at the beginning.

Please note that the Ansible scripts are designed for an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit installation. They are most likely to break on anything else.

Help: Why do I need all this? I just want to install my own copy ...

Producing ready-to-use binary versions of FuzzEd is not our primary target, at least until somebody shows interest in that. For most people, using is already good enough.

We may be willing to produce ready-to-use virtual machines for you. Please contact us.

Help: The installation is complaining during the database migration on a fresh system install.

The Ansible scripts currently lack support for an empty database installation. Perform the following steps on the web host, assuming the paths from the template host_vars file:

source venv/bin/activate
cd www
./ makemigrations FuzzEd
./ migrate

Then re-run the Ansible deployment. And please file a bug, so that we can see that somebody is reading this ...

Help: The installation worked, but the Apache is not configured correctly.

Make sure that your system has a correctly configured resolvable host name. The Ansible scripts rely on that.