This is a more or less generic yet organically grown Hub→JATS/BITS converter. It was commissioned by the Hogrefe group of publishers for their HoBoTS project. This is just a library and depends on certain transpect-modules. For installation, please see detailed instructions below.
Java 1.7 (to run XML Calabash)
As mentioned above, hub2bits is just a library. So we need to create a frontend project which includes other needed modules and some infrastructure.
mkdir hub2bits-frontend
cd hub2bits-frontend
git clone [email protected]:transpect/calabash-frontend.git --recursive
git clone [email protected]:transpect/hub2bits.git
git clone [email protected]:transpect/cascade.git
git clone [email protected]:transpect/xproc-util.git
git clone [email protected]:transpect/xslt-util.git
Create an XML catalog. Transpect operates with canonical URIs that typically starts
. The XML catalog is used by a catalog resolver
to resolve the URIs to their respective file paths.
mkdir xmlcatalog
touch xmlcatalog/catalog.xml
Each module provide its own XML catalog. They are connected with nextCatalog statements in the catalog of the frontend project. Just add the entries into xmlcatalog/catalog.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
<nextCatalog catalog="../cascade/xmlcatalog/catalog.xml"/>
<nextCatalog catalog="../hub2bits/xmlcatalog/catalog.xml"/>
<nextCatalog catalog="../xproc-util/xmlcatalog/catalog.xml"/>
<nextCatalog catalog="../xslt-util/xmlcatalog/catalog.xml"/>
./calabash-frontend/calabash.bat -i source=myHub.xml -o result=myOutput.xml hub2bits/xpl/hub2bits.xpl
If you work for different customers, you might experience that there is no general-purpose solution which meet all their needs. We initally developed this module to meet the requirements of the Hogrefe publishing group. But transpect provides ways to override the standard behaviour of a module. Feel free to read this tutorial about configuration cascades.