Migration from Xamarin.Forms to DotNet Maui
Description | Link | Severity | Repro |
CollectionView Header/Footer/EmptyView issues | dotnet/maui/issues/11896 | High | MauiAppCollectionViewHeaderOrEmpty |
AndroidStripILAfterAOT causing Invalid IL code in Xunit.Assert:True | xamarin/xamarin-android/issues/8654 | High | MauiAppXunitInvalidILCode |
BufferedFileStreamStrategy.ReadAsync throws Arg_InvalidOperationException when EnableLLVM == true | xamarin/xamarin-android/issues/8743 | Medium | MauiAppLlvmReadAsync |
Border margin issue | dotnet/maui/issues/11994 dotnet/maui/issues/7764 dotnet/maui/issues/7521 |
Medium | MauiAppBorderMargin |
Memory leak when scrolling a CollectionView with IsGrouped=true | dotnet/maui/issues/17698 | Medium | MauiAppCollectionViewGroupingLeak |
Memory usage increases when scrolling collectionview if resources count is more than 191 | dotnet/maui/issues/22053 | Medium | MauiAppStaticResourceMemory |
MauiIcon is incorrectly streched and clipped | dotnet/maui/issues/11295 dotnet/maui/issues/11159 |
Low | MauiAppIconStretched |
Java.Lang.IllegalStateException when pushing modal page on app resume | dotnet/maui/issues/11259 dotnet/maui/issues/11501 |
Low | MauiAppExceptionOnResume |
(Un)SelectedTabColor do not work for TabbedPage icons (FontImageSource) on iOS | dotnet/maui/issues/12250 dotnet/maui/issues/6043 dotnet/maui/issues/6718 xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/issues/8556 |
Low | MauiAppTabbedPageIconColor |
Border content clipping issue on iOS | dotnet/maui/issues/12398 | Low | MauiAppBorderPaddingClip |
Carousel view position is not correct on iOS | dotnet/maui/issues/12425 | Low | MauiAppCarouselView |
CollectionView Items display issue when Header is resized on iOS | dotnet/maui/issues/12429 | Low | MauiAppCollectionViewHeaderResize |
SwipeView animation is not fluid when combined with LongPress gesture on iOS | vapolia/MauiGestures/issues/2 | Low | MauiAppSwipeViewAnimation |
System.Linq.Dynamic.Core ParseException when using dotnet trimmer | zzzprojects/System.Linq.Dynamic.Core/issues/678 | Low | SldcTrimmer |
Maui application does not restart properly after android activity is destroyed | dotnet/maui/issues/18845 | Low | MauiAppLifecycleIssue |
Error "Failed to inflate ColorStateList" is logged when setting Color to CheckBox | dotnet/maui/issues/18897 | Low | MauiAppMaterialButtonAndCheckbox |
Message "MaterialButton manages its own background" is logged when setting BackgroundColor to Button | dotnet/maui/issues/18898 | Low | MauiAppMaterialButtonAndCheckbox |
TouchBehavior regression in MCT 8.0.1 | CommunityToolkit/Maui/issues/1804 | Low | MauiAppMct801TouchBehavior |
Label is not displayed properly when adding TouchBehavior | CommunityToolkit/Maui/issues/1805 | Low | MauiAppMctTouchBehaviorLabelTruncation |
Moving items in grouped CollectionView is moving the wrong items | dotnet/maui/issues/21698 | Low | MauiAppCollectionViewReorder |
Description | Link | Severity | Repro |
SwipeView Execute mode does not work | dotnet/maui#17371 | Critical | MauiAppTestSwipeView |
TabbedPage content becomes blank after navigating tabs | dotnet/maui/issues/7558 dotnet/maui/issues/9743 |
Critical | MauiAppTabbedPageBlank |
UI freeze with net8-pre5 | smstuebe/xamarin-fingerprint/issues/237 | Critical | MauiSamplePluginFingerprint |
Random crash | dotnet/android/issues/7335 | High | |
App crashes on restart (after being killed by system) when using TitleView | dotnet/maui/issues/16499 | High | MauiAppDontKeepActivities |
Memory leak with CarouselView | dotnet/maui/issues/17726 | Medium | MauiAppCarouselViewLeak |
Memory leak with Syncfusion | https://support.syncfusion.com/en-US/support/tickets/533950 | Medium | MauiAppSyncfusionMemoryLeak |
Firestore, exception when updating AndroidX to latest version | TobiasBuchholz/Plugin.Firebase/issues/222 | Medium | MauiAppFirestoreExtensionAndroidxCollection |
CollectionView virtualization does not work when using a DataTemplateSelector | dotnet/maui/issues/11272 xamarin/Xamarin.Forms#13045 |
Medium | CollectionViewVirtualization |
SwipeItemView sizing is wrong | dotnet/maui/issues/10065 dotnet/maui/issues/6018 |
Low | MauiAppSwipeItemViewSizing |
UseLocalNotification is not defined for net7.0 TFM | thudugala/Plugin.LocalNotification/issues/343 | Low | MauiAppLocalNotificationLib |
SfTextInputLayout maui issues | https://support.syncfusion.com/support/tickets/426462 | Low | MauiAppSfTextInputLayout |
Fody warning assembly has already been processed | Fody/Fody/issues/1023 | Low | MauiAppFodyAlreadyProcessed |
Build error when using x:Bind with MauiGesture | levitali/CompiledBindings/issues/27 | Low | MauiAppTestCompiledBindings |
Entry not working when keyboard is numeric and os language is not english (net8-pre5) | dotnet/maui#15884 | Low | MauiAppKeyboardNumeric |
Unable to load font 'monospace' | dotnet/maui/issues/11422 | Low | MauiAppFontMonospace |
IsPassword cannot be set dynamically for numeric keyboard | dotnet/maui/issues/12332 | Low | MauiAppSfTextInputLayout |
Issue with Babel 10.x and merging of resources assemblies | Low | MauiAppBabel10MergeResources | |
Issue with Babel 10.3 and ObservableProperty | Low | MauiAppBabel103 | |
flurl.http trimmer issue in 4.0.0-pre5 | tmenier/Flurl/issues/772 | Low | MauiAppFlurlHttpTrimmerIssue |
Snackbar InvalidOperationException when using dotnet trimmer | CommunityToolkit/Maui/issues/1460 | Low | MauiAppSnackbar |
- critical: must be resolved immediately, as it renders the app unusable until it is resolved.
- high: must be resolved at the earliest, as it degrades user experience and there is no workaround.
- medium: can be fixed in the normal course of development and testing.
- low: can be fixed at a later date (more serious bugs take priority).