Leaflet plugin for Esri ArcGIS Online Services. Currently only supports loading Esri basemaps and feature services, as well as map services.
The goal of Esri Leaflet is not to replace the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, but rather to provide small components to allow developers to build simple lightweight mapping applications. It pairs well with Terraformer for converting data and geoservices-js for making advanced request to ArcGIS REST services, for example place finding and reverse geocoding.
Currently Esri Leaflet is in development but is open to contributions. It should be thought of as a beta or preview.
There are loads of demos showing the features of Esri Leaflet as well as how it might integrate with geoservices-js and Terraformer libraries. Check out the demos.
Here is a quick example to get you started. Just change the paths to point to the proper libraries and go.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>ArcGIS Basemap</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/the/path/to/leaflet.css" />
html, body, #map {
width : 100%;
height : 100%;
<script src="/the/path/to.leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="/the/path/to/esri-leaflet.min.js"></script>
<div id="map"></div>
var map = L.map('map');
// ArcGIS Online Basemaps - Streets, Topographic, Gray, GrayLabels, Oceans, NationalGeographic, Imagery, ImageryLabels
function onLocationFound(e) {
var radius = e.accuracy / 2;
L.marker(e.latlng).addTo(map).bindPopup("You are within " + radius + " meters from this point").openPopup();
L.circle(e.latlng, radius).addTo(map);
function onLocationError(e) {
map.on('locationfound', onLocationFound);
map.on('locationerror', onLocationError);
map.locate({setView: true, maxZoom: 16});
- Access ArcGIS Basemap Services
- Access ArcGIS Dynamic Map Services
- Access ArcGIS Tiled Map Services
- Access ArcGIS Feature Services (query)
- Access ArcGIS Demographic Map Services
- Access ArcGIS Geocoding (place finding, reverse and batch)
You can quickly access ArcGIS base maps with the L.esri.BasemapLayer(key, options)
layer. The key
parameter should be one of the following keys.
- Streets
- Topographic
- Oceans
- NationalGeographic
- Gray
- GrayLabels
- Imagery
- ImageryLabels
The options
parameter can accept the same options as L.TileLayer
var map = L.map('map').setView([37.75,-122.45], 12);
Esri Leaflet has support for FeatureLayers via L.esri.FeatureLayer(url, options)
. The url
parameter is the url to the FeatureLayer you should like to display.
var map = L.map('map').setView([45.52963623111275,-122.67389774322508], 12);
The options parameter can accept anything that L.GeoJSON
can accept. This means you can apply popups, custom styles and filters. See Leaflet GeoJSON for more information.
If you have a MapService you and use L.esri.DynamicMapLayer(url, options)
to render it over a map. It takes a url
to a MapService and options.
var map = L.map('map').setView([ 38.24788726821097,-85.71807861328125], 13 );
L.esri.dynamicMapLayer("http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/PublicSafety/PublicSafetyHazardsandRisks/MapServer", {
opacity : 0.25
It is possible to show/hide specific layers and set layer definitions within options
like so...
L.esri.dynamicMapLayer("http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer", {
opacity : 0.5,
layerDefs: {
5: "STATE_NAME='Kansas'",
4: "STATE_NAME='Kansas' and POP2007>25000",
3: "STATE_NAME='Kansas' and POP2007>25000"
Esri Leaflet can work with tiled map services as well. You can use L.esri.TiledMapLayer(url, options)
to use tiled map services. The url
parameter is the url to the MapServer and options is identical to the options you can pass to L.TileLayer
var map = L.map('map').setView([ 37.761487048570935, -122.39112854003905], 12 );
L.esri.basemapLayer("Gray", {
L.esri.tiledMapLayer("http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/USA_Median_Household_Income/MapServer", {
opacity: 0.25,
L.esri.basemapLayer("GrayLabels", {
git clone https://github.com/Esri/esri-leaflet
cd esri-leaflet
git submodule init
git submodule update
- All services that Esri Leaflet access must be publicly accessible. Support for private services will be included in a future release.
- MapServices that you wish to use for
must be published in Web Mercator. - MapServices that you wish to use for
must be published in Web Mercator. - FeatureServices must be published in Web Mercator or Geographic spatial references
- Terraformer - base library for other dependencies
- Terraformer ArcGIS - for converting geometries
- Terraformer RTree - client side RTree index for optimizations
These are currently included in /vendor
as submodules and are built into the dist/esri-leaflet.min.js
file. If you want a version of Esri Leaflet without the Terraformer dependencies you can use the dist/esri-leaflet.unbundled.min.js
file and include the Terraformer modules themselves.
Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.
Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.
Dymanic Map Layer code is based on code from https://github.com/sanborn/leaflet-ags/blob/master/src/AGS.Layer.Dynamic.js
Copyright 2013 Esri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.
[](Esri Tags: ArcGIS Web Mapping Leaflet) [](Esri Language: JavaScript)