litl is a full stack utility application with the following features:
Link simplification/shortener like, + ability to protect links with a password
Authentication via Oauth through github and google
Password generation and saving (requires authentication)
Simple status message fetching and updating, ideal for people who want have a simple and easily updatable status message on their personal website
Drag and drop image upload (requires authentication, to be implemented)
Link codes contain alphanumeric characters[a-z, A-Z, 0-9] and is between 1 to 4 in length: Therefore there are 43679 possible combinations currently and can be easily extended if necessary.
Options for password generation include:
- length: 1-100 (any higher input will be changed to 100)
- symbols: Include symbols, default is false
- uppercase: Include uppercase, default is true,
- excludeSimilarCharacters: Exclude characters: i, I, l, L, o, O, and 0. Default is false
- exclude: Optionally exclude additional characters
Have a message available in a link given to your for fetching message in JSON format or sharing with a friend.