See README.txt for overview and historical information. Also, see mezcla for a companion package of Python scripts.
For simplicity, the following installs the software into your home directory.
git clone
cd shell-scripts
pip install --requirement requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install $(grep -v ^# required-packages.txt)
The default installation just covers the common packages used by most scripts. Some scripts here and in the mezcla require additional packages. In addition, some packages require post-installation steps. These can be installed as follows:
# Install Mezcla with optional packages, and get optional ones for shell-scripts
git clone
pip install --verbose $(perl -pe 's/^#opt#\s*//;' mezcla/requirements.txt | grep -v '^#')
sudo apt-get install $(perl -pe 's/^#opt#\s*//;' shell-scripts/required-packages.txt | grep -v '^#')
# Post installation stuff
python -m bash_kernel.install
python -m nltk.downloader punkt averaged_perceptron_tagger
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg