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Kotlin Multiplatform and Android package for Tolgee

🚨🚨🚨This package is currently under heavy development and will be released under alpha versions until stable and properly tested by pilot users.🚨🚨🚨

Tolgee Compose Multiplatform Jetpack Compose

A flexible Gradle plugin and runtime library for integrating Tolgee translations into Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose projects.

Gradle plugin

Comes with a convenient task to pull your latest translations directly into your resources folder.


Using Version Catalog is highly recommended to keep your versions aligned.

tolgee = { id = "dev.datlag.tolgee", version.ref = "tolgee" }


You can change the plugin behavior to your needs:

tolgee {
    apiKey.set("<YOUR TOLGEE APIKEY WITH TRANSLATION READ ACCESS>") // or use the 'tolgee.apikey=' property instead
    // more options
    pull { ... }
    push { ... }
    // change compile time behavior
    compilerPlugin {
        android {
            // Replaces Context.getString occurrences with Context.getStringInstant
            replaceGetString.set(false) // default true


Pull translations from Tolgee using the pullTranslation Gradle task.
Push local translations to Tolgee using the pushTranslation Gradle task.


This Kotlin Multiplatform library provides runtime support for Tolgee translations in your app.
No longer creating a new release just to update your strings.


Using Version Catalog is highly recommended to keep your versions aligned.

tolgee = { group = "dev.datlag.tolgee", name = "core", version.ref = "tolgee" }


Simply create a Tolgee singleton or multiple instances, using an API Key and/or a content delivery url.

Content Delivery

Content Delivery supports JSON only and can be used with any formatting option.

/** Thread safe: Retrieve the current singleton or create one. */
val tolgee = Tolgee.instanceOrInit {
    apiKey = "<API KEY>"
    contentDelivery("<ContentDelivery URL>") {
        format(Tolgee.Formatter.ICU) // default formatting
        format(Tolgee.Formatter.Sprintf) // for sprintf or Java.format formatting

/** Updates the text automatically when loaded from API or locale changed. */
val updatingText: Flow<String> = tolgee.translation("key")

/** Returns the text that's currently loaded from API. */
/** Requires `tolgee.preload` or `tolgee.translation` call else always null. */
val currentText: String? = tolgee.instant("key")



Using Version Catalog is highly recommended to keep your versions aligned.

tolgee = { group = "dev.datlag.tolgee", name = "compose", version.ref = "tolgee" }


fun SimpleText() {
    Text(text = stringResource(tolgee, Res.string.about))

fun ArgsSupported(vararg args: Any) {
    Text(text = stringResource(tolgee, Res.string.about, *args))

Jetpack Compose?

What if you are using Jetpack Compose (Android only) or some explicit strings in your android source?
No problem! This is handled as well.

fun AndroidOnly() {
    Text(text = i18n.stringResource(R.string.android_string))

fun AndroidWithArgs(vararg args: Any) {
    Text(text = i18n.stringResource(R.string.android_string, *args))

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This is a non-profit project!

Sponsoring to this project means sponsoring to all my projects! So the further text is not to be attributed to this project, but to all my apps and libraries.

Supporting this project helps to keep it up-to-date. You can donate if you want or contribute to the project as well. This shows that the library is used by people, and it's worth to maintain.