A Typescript/javascript library to create modular and object-oriented shaders (for Three.js)
I work with shaders for 5 years now. I started in 2011 with Flash and its horrible shader-language called AGAL and since that time, I am a bit disapointed with shaders because it's very powerfull but also very hard to share with other people because of how works the shader itself, the kind of datas it needs to work and the fact that everything is so low-level that if you want to share something, you have to share everything.
The last 5 years, I really thought a lot about this problem, I wrote maybe 8-9 libraries in different languages focus only on make a shader easy to write and easy to reuse, and because shaders are hard to reuse by nature, it was a very long road before I build this last version (probably not the very last one :) ). Contrary to most of my previous version I really tryed to keep it as simple as possible while being as powerfull as possible and I'm satisfied enough now, it's exactly what I always wanted :)
Presently, I work with Typecript (it compiles its code into javascript) and I use Three.js as the core of the rendering pipeline.
First of all, let's compare how we create shaders in Three.js and how it look like with XShader.
In Three.js :
var material:THREE.ShaderMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
time: { type: "f", value: 1.0 },
resolution: { type: "v2", value: new THREE.Vector2() }
vertexShader: `
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 );
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main() {
float x = mod(time + gl_FragCoord.x, 20.) < 10. ? 1. : 0.;
float y = mod(time + gl_FragCoord.y, 20.) < 10. ? 1. : 0.;
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(min(x, y)), 1.);
And now with XShader
class MyShader extends XShader {
this.setFragmentUniform("resolution",new THREE.Vector2());
this.vertex.define(` gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 ); `);
float x = mod(time + gl_FragCoord.x, 20.) < 10. ? 1. : 0.;
float y = mod(time + gl_FragCoord.y, 20.) < 10. ? 1. : 0.;
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(min(x, y)), 1.);
As you can see, the code is shorter and the definition of the uniforms/buffer disappeared from the glsl code but the difference is not huge in that example.
The differences appears when you consider the whole potential of XShader, what you can do with it and how it will modify the way you work with shaders.
First of all, it's possible to convert automaticly a vertexUniform or a vertexBuffer into a varying without create a new variable-name.
For example, the first real line of my shader could be that
this.setVertexUniform("time",1.0).isVarying = true;
doing that, you can use the word "time" in the vertex shader and in the fragment shader without doing anything else.
Now, if you want to update the value of the time variable, it could be usefull to keep a reference of that uniform into an object. You can do it like that
var timeUniform:XElement = this.setVertexUniform("time",1.0);
timeUniform.isVarying = true;
timeUniform.value = 123456;
Contrary to Three.js that make impossible to add an attribute inside a material, it's possible to do it with XShader.
for example, if I would draw a square from scratch, without a THREE.PlaneGeometry I could do it like that
class MyPlane extends XShader {
protected vertices:XBuffer;
protected colorMulti:XElement;
protected dimension:XElement;
protected texture:XElement;
var nbQuad:number = 1;
this.vertices = this.setVertexBuffer(XBuffer.createQuadXYZ_Buffer("vertices",nbQuad));
this.setVertexBuffer(XBuffer.createQuadUV_Buffer("uvts",nbQuad)).isVarying = trye;
this.texture = this.setFragmentUniform("texture",new THREE.TextureLoader().load("myPicture.jpg"));
this.colorMulti = this.setFragmentUniform("colorMulti",new THREE.Color(0xff0000));
this.dimension = this.setVertexUniform("dimension",new THREE.Vector2(width,height);
vec4 pos = vec4(vertices.xyz ,1.0);
pos.xy *= dimension;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * pos;
vec4 color = texture2D(texture,uvts);
color.rgb *= colorMulti,
gl_FragColor = color;
Now, if you want to update the buffer called vertice, you can do it like that
var verts:Float32Array = this.vertices.array;
for(var i:number = 0;i<verts.length;i++) verts[i] = Math.random();
it's cool but it's still possible to improve what you can do in order to make your code reusable and not feel limited by the structure of a shader when you try to declinate it.
If I know that the shader I'm writting will be use as "base" for higher-level-shader , I should write it a bit differently :
class MyPlane extends XShader {
protected vertices:XBuffer;
protected colorMulti:XElement;
protected texture:XElement;
protected dimension:XElement;
var nbQuad:number = 1;
this.vertices = this.setVertexBuffer(XBuffer.createQuadXYZ_Buffer("vertices",nbQuad));
this.setVertexBuffer(XBuffer.createQuadUV_Buffer("uvts",nbQuad)).isVarying = trye;
this.texture = this.setFragmentUniform("texture",new THREE.TextureLoader().load("myPicture.jpg"));
this.colorMulti = this.setFragmentUniform("colorMulti",new THREE.Color(0xff0000));
this.dimension = this.setVertexUniform("dimension",new THREE.Vector2(width,height);
vec4 pos = vec4(vertices.xyz ,1.0);
pos.xy *= dimension;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * pos;
vec4 color = texture2D(texture,uvts);
color.rgb *= colorMulti,
gl_FragColor = color;
Now it's become possible to create a new shader, a bit different from this one, like that
class MyOtherPlane extends MyPlane {
public mousePosition:XElement;
this.mousePosition = this.setVertexUniform("mouse",new THREE.Vector2());
this.vertex.modifyVertexPosition.addCodeAfter("pos.xy += mouse;");
Doing that, we add a bunch of code into the object "modifyVertexPosition" after the rest of the code already inside it.
But we could choose a different approach to do the same thing
class MyOtherPlane extends MyPlane {
public mousePosition:XElement;
protected mouseControl:XShaderCode;
protected anotherControl:XShaderCode;
this.mousePosition = this.setVertexUniform("mouse",new THREE.Vector2());
this.mouseControl = this.vertex.modifyVertexPosition.createSubShaderCode(`pos.xy += mouse;`);
this.anotherControl= this.vertex.modifyVertexPosition.createSubShaderCode(`pos.xy *= 123.0;`);
Doing that, you create a kind of "node" inside the object "modifyVertexPosition" (which is a node too actually).
this node will be read after the content located directly into "modifyVertexPosition" and before the next node from the root "applyVertexPosition"
Because we created subShaderCode, we can extend that shader to declinate it with another approach :)
class MyOtherOtherPlane extends MyOtherPlane {
this.anotherControl.enabled = false;
You can enable / disable every node.
If you disable a node with children in it, the children will be disabled too ; the same if you enable a node.
If for some reason you would like to apply before the mouseControl (located just before in the tree-node) , you could do it like that
this.anotherControl.priority = -1
By default, each node has a priority set to 0.
The priority works for the children of a same node.
Just before the process convert the tree-node into a string, I sort the children by priority from the smaller to the higher , then if you set priority to -1, the child will be before the other with a priority set to 0.
Now we have seen all that, we can start to think differently when we build our shader.
It's now possible to create easyly an object dedicated to some task independantly of the shader
For example, we could create a class that extends nothing
class Effects {
protected effects:XShaderCode[] = [];
this.effects[0] = rootCode.createSubShaderCode(`$color.rgb *= 1.5;`);
this.effects[1] = rootCode.createSubShaderCode(`$color.rgb *= 2.5;`);
this.effects[2] = rootCode.createSubShaderCode(`$color.rgb *= 3.5;`);
this.effects[3] = rootCode.createSubShaderCode(`$color.rgb *= 4.5;`);
this.effects[4] = rootCode.createSubShaderCode(`$color.rgb *= 5.5;`);
for(var i:number=0;i<this.effects.length;i++){
public setEffect(id:number):void{
for(var i:number=0;i<this.effects.length;i++) this.effects[i].enabled = false;
this.effects[id].enabled = true;
This code is not very interesting but it shows that you can code a functionality for a shader outside of a shader.
Typically, in that case
vec4 color = texture2D(texture,uvts);
color.rgb *= colorMulti,
gl_FragColor = color;
We could use our class Effect like that
vec4 color = texture2D(texture,uvts);
var effect:Effect = new Effet(this.fragment.modifyFragmentColor,"color");
gl_FragColor = color;
Actually, it's possible to improve a little bit more the way you can work with XShader with the concept of XShaderModule.
Instead of extending shader, you can think your code as small modules that you will plug into your shader.
For example, imagine you want to create a shader with a texture, you will need at least a uniform for the texture, a buffer for the UV and a some lines of GLSL to get the color and apply it to your mesh.
You probably will need this kind of functionnality very often when you'll write a shader.
Instead of creating an extendable "base" shader, you could think it as module.
Let's create a simple module to add a texture in our shader and define its variable-name from the outside
class TextureQuadModule extends XShaderModule {
this.setVertexBuffer(XBuffer.createQuadUV_Buffer(uvName,nbQuad)).isVarying = true;
this.fragment.getColor.define(`vec4 `+resultColorName+` = texture2D(`+textureName+`,`+uvName+`);`)
And that's it !
If you want to use it, you just need to add that line to your shader
this.setModule(new TextureQuadModule(nbQuad,"textureColor","texture","uvts",new THREE.TextureLoader().load("image.jpg"));
During the compile-process, the module are "read" in the order you call them.
For every nodes "getPosition","modifyPosition",applyPosition","getColor","modifyColor","applyColor" , the content of these node in the module will be placed BEFORE the content of the shader nodes.
Then, at the scale of your shader, every variables used in a module is available.
In our module, we created a variable containing the result of the 'texture2D' function. The name of that variable is defined in your shader and can be used in the glsl code of your shader.
Then we can write that to use it
this.fragment.applyColor.define("gl_FragColor = textureColor;");
Here is another example of very simple module
class ColorModule extends XShaderModule {
this.setVertexBuffer(XBuffer.createQuadRGB_Buffer(quadColorName,nbQuad,true)).isVarying = true;
var code:XShaderCode = this.fragment.applyColor.createSubShaderCode("gl_FragColor.xyz += $quadColor;");
These modules are very basic, but you could use it in various situations.
For example, you could create a sound-spectrum-module or a mouse-controler-module, or what you want actually
If you use 2 or more modules that use the same buffer or uniform names, the new one will replace the previous but the type of variable cannot be changed.
I 'm pride of XShader, it's not rocket-science-code but it was long to really know what I wanted to do, how to be efficient while being readable and easy-to-use.
I hope you will like it !