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Flax is a domain specific language for modeling coordinated, distributed processes. It was designed to help with situations that require provisioning and interacting with (potentially complex) systems and/or real integrations with external services in a production or production-like environment. Similar to Ansible, Flax is designed to provide more low-level transparency and polyglot friendliness, making expressiveness a higher priority than simplicity, and flexibility a higher priority than a low barrier to entry.

The Flax language is implemented as a Clojure library; however, its source code is most idiomatically written in YAML, which also enables source code generation from any language that can serialize data structures into JSON (since YAML is basically a superset of JSON).


Because Flax is a library, it doesn't come with a command-line interface, but it's not complicated to make one yourself. (The first example under Getting started shows a minimal example.)

Within a Leiningen project, add this to your project.clj file:

[co.nclk/flax "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]

N.B., the best place to look for the current version is the top of the project.clj file.

Getting started

Using the Clojure library directly, a Hello World in Flax might look something like this:

(ns my-project.main
  (:require [flax.core :as flax]))

(defn -main
  [& _]
         [[{:source "echo Hello World"}]]}}]}}))

or for the same thing, with source in YAML (in this case using clj-yaml for a parser):

(ns my-project
  (:require [co.nclk.flax.core :as flax]
            [clj-yaml.core :as yaml]))
(defn -main [& argv]
  (flax/run (-> argv first yaml/parse-string))
  - module:
      - - source: echo Hello World
$ lein run path/to/program.yaml

Running this doesn't print "Hello World" to the console. Instead, it prints it to the stdout of a child process, which is captured in the returns entry of the data structure that's returned from the interpreter. Each return captures stdout, as well as stderr, the exit code and whether or not the checkpoint was deemed a success. The interpreter also returns a snapshot of the environmental changes yielded by running the module; these will be merged into the old environment before running any dependent modules. You have to explicitly provide entries for the environment in the module definition, and in this case there aren't any.

({:module {:checkpoints [[{:source "echo Hello World"}]]},
  (({:source "echo Hello World",
     :runid #uuid "56915511-dd4b-4b6a-91e9-bfbd3f083a39",
     :out {:keys nil, :value "Hello World"},
     :err {:keys nil, :value ""},
     :exit {:keys nil, :value 0},
     :started 1453119225087,
     :finished 1453119225242,
     :success {:value true}})),
  :env {}})

The above is a minimal configuration required to run a Flax program. The :source is spit into a temporary file, which is made executable, and run by the host operating system. On my system, the default interpreter is bash, but it's natural to use interpreter directives in a module to switch languages, because it's just an executable file that runs on the host system:

- - source: |
      #!/usr/bin/env python2
      from __future__ import print_function
      import sys
      print("Hello Python", file=sys.stderr)
- - source: |
    #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
    puts {Hello Tcl}

You can also mix and match interpreters in the same module:

- - source: |
      #!/usr/bin/env php
      <?php echo "Hello "."PHP";
  - source: |
      #!/usr/bin/env dart
      void main() {
          print('Hello Dart');

Above, both sources will run concurrently; i.e., the first process may return after the second process returns. In the next example, the first process exits before the second process starts (notice the extra -, making two group-lists of one element each, instead of one group-list of two elements):

- - source: |
      #!/usr/bin/env php
      <?php echo "Hello "."PHP";
- - source: |                      # <== the extra '-'
      #!/usr/bin/env dart
      void main() {
          print('Hello Dart');

You can use this to manage concurrency in modules:

- - source: |
      sleep 2
      echo "Two" >> /tmp/test
  - source: echo "One" >> /tmp/test
- - source: echo "Three" >> /tmp/test
$ cat /tmp/test

Interpreter directives aren't always portable, though, so you can instead provide a invocation template for Flax to use for your script:

- - invocation:
      template: "gcc % -o foo"
      match: "%"
    source: |
      int main(int argc, char **argv) {
          printf("Hello World\n");
          return 0;

The % above is swapped out for the name of the temporary file that is created. Any regex can be used to match the place where you want the filename to be swapped instead. Or you can provide a plain string, to which the filename will be appended, instead of providing a map with a template:

- - invocation: python
    source: print "Hello"

##Design philosophy Flax is designed to emulate modular synthesizers in the signal processing domain. Modules come in two basic varieties: generators and filters. Once a signal is generated (such as a sine wave), it's generally passed on to filters (such as amplifiers, equalizers, phase-vocoders, etc.) that can be patched together to create a patch program.

By analogy, Flax programs are like synth patch programs and Flax modules are like generators or filters. Each module might have inputs that come from the outputs of other modules (or the environment at large), and/or outputs that lead to the inputs of other modules. Each module may affect the state of the signal (i.e., the environment) in any way; modules are not required to be idempotent (but there's no reason they couldn't be designed that way).



The requires module entry

We can design modules to require input parameters like this:

- key: filename
- key: append
  default: true
- - source: >
      echo hostname -I ~{#append}>~{/append}> ~{filename}

And then patch that module into our program (instead of composing it inline, as was done in previous examples):

    - module: ~{HOME}/path/to/above/cluster-append.yaml
        filename: ~@cluster-file
    cluster-file: ~{HOME}/foo.txt

Here, the ~{HOME} notation is used to interpolate the $HOME environment variable assumed to exist in the process's environment. For interpolation, Flax uses mustache templates, with default parameters such that ~{ and } denote open and close tags, respectively. Bearing that in mind, the ~{#append}/~{/append} notation above was used to toggle an extra > which causes bash to append to the file instead of overwriting it. It could also have been written like:

source: |
  echo $(hostname -I) >> ~{filename}
  echo $(hostname -I) > ~{filename}

Interpolation vs. dereferencing

Interpolation always results in a string, whereas the ~@ notation dereferences the actual value of the symbol (which might be a string, int, float, map, vector, etc.). Symbols from the process's environment prior to being incorporated with Flax's environment will usually (always?) represent strings, but symbols declared in Flax's env above represent whatever types are delivered by the YAML parser. YAML also has a concept of dereferencing, and the two are compatible. The YAML parser runs first, dereferencing its own symbols, then Flax evaluates its symbols based on the current environment before running the checkpoints. E.g., the following works:

- - nodes: &default-nodes
    - name: ~@node-name-var
    - name: literal-node-name
    source: foo
  - nodes: *default-nodes
    source: bar

The provides module entry

Output parameters are provided in two ways. Since each checkpoint can be run on multiple nodes concurrently, the various outputs of all of them can be conjoined to one collection by placing a directive entry (comprised of out, err, exit, and success) in the checkpoint map:

- key: secondses
- - nodes:
    - name: foo
    - name: bar
    out: secondses
    source: date +%s

They can also be gathered per node by placing the directives into the node map instead of the checkpoint map:

- key: seconds-foo
- key: seconds-bar
- - nodes:
    - name: foo
      out: seconds-foo
    - name: bar
      out: seconds-bar
    source: date +%s

Clojure interop

As a Lisp, Clojure uses a code-as-data approach, which lends itself to extension by and interoperation with other languages written in data serialization formats such as YAML. Because of that, and since Flax is hosted by Clojure, it's possible to use any Clojure functions directly in Flax code by using a special syntax. A very short list of special forms and macros are also supported (if, or, and, fn, and #) and a few Flax-specific macros (parallelize, upmap, and log).


  - ~@private-network
  - hostname -I
  - dig +short
- - nodes:
    - name:
        - ~@maybe-node-name
        - ~@definitely-node-name
- ~(string?:
  - ~@maybe-string-or-blank
- ~(not:
  - ~(clojure.string/blank?:
    - ~@maybe-string-or-blank

There are also special notations for keywords and symbols:

- ~(or:
  - ~@some-associative-thing
  - { foo: bar, baz: quux }
- ~:foo

Dependent modules

What is it?

This documentation is a work in progress. If you didn't find the above description very satisfying, you might find a more satisfying exposition here for now.


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