Doctrine Migrations integration bundle providing :
- Generation of migration classes on a per bundle basis
- Generation for multiple target platforms
- API allowing to execute migrations programmaticaly
Add the bundle to your composer.json:
"require": {
// ...
"claroline/migration-bundle": "dev-master"
composer update claroline/migration-bundle
Then add the bundle to your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Claroline\MigrationBundle\ClarolineMigrationBundle(),
// ...
You can generate migrations for a specific bundle using:
php app/console claroline:migration:generate AcmeFooBundle
This command will create migration classes for all the available platforms in the Migrations directory of the bundle.
You can execute a migration using one of the following commands:
php app/console claroline:migration:upgrade AcmeFooBundle
php app/console claroline:migration:downgrade AcmeFooBundle
By default, both commands execute the nearest available migration version
(relatively to the current/installed one), but you can specify another target
using the --target
php app/console claroline:migration:downgrade AcmeFooBundle --target=20130101124512
php app/console claroline:migration:upgrade AcmeFooBundle --target=nearest
php app/console claroline:migration:upgrade AcmeFooBundle --target=farthest
where farthest means a full upgrade/downgrade.
The following command displays the list of available versions for a bundle and highlights the current/installed one:
php app/console claroline:migration:version AcmeFooBundle
Finally, you can delete generated migration classes which are above the current version of a bundle using:
php app/console claroline:migration:discard AcmeFooBundle
This last command is useful if you intend to "merge" several migration classes generated during development into a single migration class. In such a case, the steps to follow would be:
# downgrading to the newest version you want to keep
php app/console claroline:migration:downgrade AcmeFooBundle --target=20130101124512
# deleting everything above that version
php app/console claroline:migration:discard AcmeFooBundle
# generating a new migration class
php app/console claroline:migration:generate AcmeFooBundle
The whole API is accessible through the migration manager class:
$bundle = $container->get('kernel')->getBundle('AcmeFooBundle');
$container->get('claroline.migration.manager')->upgradeBundle($bundle, '20131201134501');