- Download .zip folder
- Open your command prompt
- Navigate to the folder where the .zip is downloaded (ex.
cd C:\Users\your_name\Downloads
) - Type
pip install meta-me-main.zip
(ensure you are in the folder where the .zip is downloaded!) - Run Meta Search from your command prompt at anytime, just type
meta "movie or tv show or game here"
- If the movie/tv show/game has multiple words, ensure to wrap your query in quotes. For example:
meta "houses october built"
- Retreiving expanded search descriptions (currently only displays visible text within the decription before the "Read More" setion)
- SOME searches may not return the results you are looking for, IF you don't type the EXACT name of the game/movie/tv show. For example, if you search "Diablo 2", "Diablo 4" will return, but if you search "Diablo II: Lord of Destruction", you will get the correct result. This doesn't happen with all searches, but in some cases it does. This isn't ideal, so I plan to improve the logic to fix this in the future.
- It is possible to run across some python specific errors, all error handling isn't captured yet