Nuxt Studio is awesome...
- Static render, seems faster than server components with ISR due to loading full Nuxt in serverless function
- Minimize render-blocking
- HTTP 2.0 with multiplexing is awesome but it doesn’t always help
- Nuxt feature: turn off scripts in Nuxt.
- It preloaded 25 JS files that came before render-blocking CSS. LCP was bad.
- When Nuxt scripts are turnt off, manually add back prerendering of other pages by implementing prerendering with "speculationrules" for chromium based browsers.
- Do some vanilla JS due to nooScripts: True
- navigation class toggle
- analytics
- rum scores
- Nuxt feature: inline all CSS and add it to a single CSS file.
- Turn svg into lazy loading images vs inline SVG. Turns out a lot of rendering work in the main thread happened.
- Utilizing web-safe fonts
- Can cause layout shifts, even with font swap, so changed body font.
- Using Daniel Roe's Nuxt/fonts module for Google font. Great optimization with fontaine.
- Lazy, eager loading images + fetch priority
- Responsive images
- Move back to blog