- New feature: container screen listing all (independent of stacks relation) containers on docker endpoint.
- New feature: ability to control containers individually (start, stop, restart) both on the new Containers screen but also on Stacks screen when expanding the stack.
- Improvement: persistence of Theme selected on store (Light vs Dark theme).
- Improvement: improved color styling on NavigationDrawer menu for better readability.
- Improvement: reduced the amount of loading spinners popping up on screen (there were two Loading spinners once the refresh operation got included).
- Improvement: added footer with application name and version.
- Bug fix: there was a problem that went into the last release unnoticed, stack containers were being filtered by a specific project name identifier.
- Chore: README.md updated with new links.
What's Changed
- release branch for v0.1.2 by @tiagorvmartins in #6
- upgrade github action upload artifact by @tiagorvmartins in #7
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2