The project implements a inverted index search for a query in a set of documents.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
There are no prerequisites for running the project besides Python3.
All the libraries used are part of the Python standard, so you only need to install Python3. For installing Python3 on Ubuntu 18.04(although it should already be installed), run:
apt-get install python3
The tests are not yet implemented, but a general expected case would be: python3 which will run a number of different tests that will try to cover as many corner cases as possible, afterwards displaying which tests have failed, if any.
The tests will try to cover more and more complex cases, in order to cover most possible uses cases. The first tests will deal with basic functions, like finding a word that is in every file, a word that isn't in any file, finding two words etc. Following tests will try to cover small corner cases like word && !(word), ending with large 20 terms queries to check the full functionality. Examples:
Raspberry && !(Raspberry)
Raspberry || Python || ancient
There should be no aditional steps for deployment since the project is a pretty standard Python file.
- Datcu Gabriel - Initial work - thoughtitwasadrought
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Various Stack Overflow users for small Python functionalities I forgot.