Lecture notes from my time as a student at the Cambridge University Engineering Department. Please note that these files are not official - they were purposely made by myself using LaTeX to solidify my knowledge.
You cannot find courses that interest you on this page? That means I either did not get to them yet, or I did not specialize in your area of interest.
If you want to lend a helping hand, make sure to create a pull request so I can merge it with the project. You can obtain the template sourcecode from any of the LaTeX files inside this repository. Please stick to the same style of formatting for the sake of readability and uniformity.
These notes are not official - they are not a reliable indicator for what was actually lectured in my year, or what will be lectured throughout the next years, as these tend to be quite heavily edited.
Errors might also happen - if you spot one while using any of these files, please create a pull request so that we can fix it together.
Below, I have linked all the individual contributors to this project.