If you need to bust other page caches when you update a certain piece of content, then you've come to the right place.
Download the repo and drop the relative_cache_buster folder into your _add-ons directory. There's a yaml file for you to tell buster what to do.
Make sure that you have html caching enabled and your cache_length is set to on last modified or on cache update.
If the file your updating is a single file, simply use the page slug. The example below will bust the homepage when the about page is updated.
- "page.md"
You can also use a directory pattern. In this example, when a blog entry is created or updated, the homepage and blog listing page will be busted.
- "blog/page.md"
- "page.md"
If you need to bust some cache within your own add-on, there's a
method for your busting pleasure. Pass in a filepath and
you're good to go!
Courtesy of @edalzell. Thanks Erin!
Feedback? Ideas? Need support? Email us at [email protected] or feel free to fork and pull request your heart out. Happy hacking!