Large amount of stability improvements, highly recommended update
- MagicLink is now in a stable state
- Fixed signTypedDataV4 for all wallet providers
- Fixed sendTransaction MagicLink throwing on mobile
- Updated MagicAuth to LoginWithEmailOTP (LoginWithMagicLink deprecating soon)
- Reduced amount of redirects from WalletConnect to specific methods, therefore reducing the amount of times the wallet opens on mobile
- Add ThirdwebInterceptor and ThirdwebSession for Session/Client data - refactored all calls to go through clients if not LocalWallet
- Removed async spawns when editor testing
- Added streamlined Thirdweb internal types
- Various mobile bugfixes
- Various desktop improvements
- Various wallet behavior improvements
Note: WalletConnect is recommended over Metamask for mobile platforms due to known issue with the Metamask App pausing behavior.