A docker-compose.yml file ready to be used in production or locally by Laravel apps. It helps You to create a production ready environment with SSL with Let's Encrypt and Traefik as a reserve proxy.
With this repository, You will be able to set an environment with two containers running internally and exposing Traefik on por 80/443 that will forwards connections to each container depending of which url was reached.
For example:
| → app-production
http(s)://app.{staging}.domain.com:80/443 → traefik → |
| → app-staging
First of all you will need a server with Docker and docker-compose installed. There you will clone this repository.
Then, you will need to create a local network
docker network create web
Now you need to create a .env file based on .env.example
cp .env.example .env
Change the content of .env as you needed
Edit the file traefik.toml
with your data. In this file is not possible to use .env. There are some comments that helps you what you need to change.
With everything is configured, now you are able to run
docker-compose up -d
If everything was set rightly, You can access http(s)://app.your-domain.com.
- To makes it works locally with ssl you will need more configurations that is not in the scope of this package. You will need to do it by yourself.
- You need to have a DNS configuration ready with domains/sub-domiains pointing to the host that you are try to config
- The file acme.json needs to have
as permission. When you clone the repository, the file may have a different permission. If this happens, change it by using the commandchmod 600 acme.json
- Traefik will creates the SSL keys automatically. But maybe you will need to restart the container to renew those keys.
- This package doesn't include a database container, You are free to add it on
- How you are using a reverse proxy, You will probably need to set trusted proxies
- By default, this package uses Ambiemtum image for the Laravel containers.