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Async and Parallel Processing with PHP with no threads or reactive libs


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PHP Async Process

Process functions or files asynchronously without needing AMP, ReactPHP, RxPHP, Fibers, Pthreads, Parallel, Revolt, Pcntl or Swoole.

Just raw PHP! It is magic!

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It uses a combination of:

  • serializable-clojure lib
  • Symfony/Process lib
  • and PHP's native Shmop extension


it does not works on MSYS or MINGW terminals! However, It will work fine on both Windows (cmd and powershell) and Linux.

See demos/demo.php for examples.


composer require terremoth/php-async



require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Terremoth\Async\PhpFile;
use Terremoth\Async\Process;

$process = new Process();
$process->send(function () {
    // anything you want to process here
    // Important note: do not use closure vars, like:
    // $process->send(function () use ($var1, $var2, ...)  { ... });
    // since the closure will be processed in another file.
    // Write everything you want without outside dependencies here
    // In a future version I will create communications variables between both processes

// Another way to use is if you want to just process a file Asynchronously, you can do this:
$args = ['--verbose', '-n', '123'];
$asyncFile = new PhpFile('existing-php-file.php', $args); // make sure to pass the correct file with its path

That's it!