Major Features and Improvements
No major features or improvements.
Breaking Changes
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
Add RequestOptions and DeterministicMode options. (commit: a8b200b )
Remove usages of bridge fallback. (commit: 98570a6 )
Provide a runtime option to lower bound the number of batch threads. (commit: 50b07e4 )
Avoid GetChildren when using Specific servable versions (commit: 6fb9403 )
Add python clif target for prediction_log.proto. (commit: 39ba623 )
Build with --xnn_enable_avx512amx=false (commit: f6c4219 )
Update comment in tfrt_saved_model_factory.h for wrong param name. (commit: 14ce911 )
Upgraded libevent to 2.1.12. Fixed minor bug in EvHTTPServer. (commit: 2cda80a )
Introduce RequestRecorder in tfrt_servable so that implementation can record customized costs and metrics. (commit: 749007b )
Integrate TFRT+IFRT with tensorflow serving (commit: a8b64dd )
Add core selector support for TFRT+IFRT serving on tensorflow serving (commit: 84a71a4 )
Remove GPR_ASSERT . (commit: 2dca3af )
Add timeout support when waiting on servables to load. (commit: 093d841 )
Build with --xnn_enable_avx512fp16=false (commit: eeac086 )
Support paging in TfrtSavedModelServable. (commit: 993a53c )
Add max_enqueued_batches option for model servers. (commit: d914192 )
Add max_enqueued_batches option for model servers. (commit: 67a2dcb )
Update version for 2.17.0 release. (#2225 ) (commit: 68eda92 )
Include patch files necessary for building at TF 2.17 (commit: 6311b72 )
This release is based on TF version 2.17.0.
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