In the following we describe how to reproduce the experiments along with all results that are presented in our manuscript with the title Bernstein Flows for Flexible Posteriors in Variational Bayes, see
In the Bernoulli and Cauchy experiment we use variational inference (BF-VI and Gauss-VI) to fit Bayes models with only one parameter and correspondingly a 1D posterior. We compare the fitted variational posteriors with the ground truth posterior.
The file Python/Bernoulli/bernoulli_1D_F1F2.csv.gz
holds samples form the analytical computed ground truth posterior, the Gaussian-VI variational posterior, and the BF-VI variational posterior along with the corresponding posterior density at this position and additional information of the used method. It is created by Python/Bernoulli/Bernoulli_1D_F1F2.ipnb
together with Python/Bernoulli/
The figure for the paper is created by R/eval_Bernoulli_1D.R
using the data from Python/Bernoulli/bernoulli_1D_F1F2.csv.gz
and is stored in the figure
To get a ground truth for the posterior we do MCMC
+ R/eval_cauchy_ablation_create_kl_plots.R
-> mcmc/cauchy/mcmc_samples_cauchy.rda
→ Python/Cauchy/Gauss-VI_densities.csv.gz
contain samples w
(first column, in paper called xi) and log_p
(second column)
For Cauchy, we did an ablation study investigating the effects of different methods to transform between a predefined simple distribution and the variational posterior. Here we vary the simple distribution
The ablation runs have been done with python (bfvi/bfvi/
) on GPU and CPU enviromemnts. The results are stored in from of the parameter files (columns are 'seed', 'epoch', 'az', 'bz', theta_1, ..., theat_M) holding information on the used seed for intialization and the number of epochs during training and the fitted parameters of the transformation, i.e. the slope and intercept of the linear trafo and the parameters theta of the Bernstein polynomials, see e.g. cauchy_eval_ablation_M_1_F1F2_params.csv
stored in bfvi/bfvi/runs/cauchy_ablation/
. For the creation of the paramter files, manipulations (like commenting in/out the truncated normal) need to be done in the following files:
: define methods and layersbfvi/bfvi/
: definitions of functions
The script R/eval_cauchy_ablation_create_kl_plot_data.R
creates the data files for the plotting from the parameter files in the repectives files in (R/runs/Cauchy1D
The figures for the paper are created with R/eval_cauchy_ablation.R
and is stored in the figure
The BF-VI results for the experiments with multi-dimensional posteriors
- a: toy linear regression ("regression_2D")
- b: Diamond,
- c: 8schools
- d: NN based non-linear regression ("network")
have been created using multidimensional_script.R
, which defines the likelihood and the prior for the different mulit-dimensional models/data (like 8SCHOOLS_CP, DIAMONDS etc - note that the Melanoma experiments are an exception and are discussed below separately). This script multidimensional_script.R
can be run with the follwing command line parameters:
- data: the model to be used like (
) - method: the Bernstein Flow method that transforms from the simple predefined distribution to the variational posterior. We use
in all experiments: N(0,1) -> sigmoid -> Bernstein polynomial -> variational posterior distribution q. - M: the number of paramters in the Bernstein polynomial (we use 50 in all experiments)
- T: The number of samples for the Monte-Carlo estimates during training (we use T=10 in all experiments).
- num_epochs: the number of epochs training (we use 100,000 in all experiments)
For example:
#The argument order is
#data, method, num_epochs, M, T
R CMD BATCH --vanilla "--args run 8SCHOOLS_CP F1F2 100000 50 10" multidimensional_script.R
We run all experiment 5-times with random intializations. We sample from the fitted variational posterior q and store the samples w
together with the variational log-posterior densities log_qs
, the log-prior L_prio
and log-likelihood LLs
at those samples in a sample result file (e.g. R/run/gpu_8SCHOOLS_F1F2_Epo_100000_M_50_T_10/samples_1.rda
) for all runs. In the same directory we also stroe the 5 loss histories (e.g. R/run/gpu_8SCHOOLS_F1F2_Epo_100000_M_50_T_10/loss_hist_1.rda
To get a ground truth for the posterior we do MCMC. The Stan-files can be found in the mcmc
Using the corresponding eval-files (e.g R/eval_8Schools_cp.R
) the final plots for the paper are procuded an stored in the figures
directorythe. Moreover, the metrics (e.g. k-hat
with bootstraps CI) are calculated and plotted (e.g. R/run/gpu_8SCHOOLS_F1F2_Epo_100000_M_50_T_10/k_hat.pdf
Model M1 is based on images only, M2 on tabular data (age information) only, and M3 is semi-structured based on images and tabular data. The melanoma data have been downloaded from and the images were downscaled to 128x128 pixels. The code to create the input images (getData and resizeImages) can be found at bfvi_paper/Ivonne_MA/functions/
. Alternatively, the images can be downloaded from
- MCMC posterior samples (
- BF-VI variational posterior samples (
store sample results inR\runs\cpu_MELA_F1F2_Epo_100000_M_50_T_10
. Note that due to large data set size the fit was not possible on a standard GPU)
The M1 and M3 models were fitted and M1's and M3's performance meassure were computed with Ivonne_MA/Semi-structured_NN.ipynb
With the same notebook, the samples from the fitted posterior for the age-slope were generated and stored in Ivonne_MA/semi_posterior_slope_age.csv
(second half of the script)
The melanoma figure in the paper is created by R/eval_melanoma.r
which reads in posterior samples for the age-slope from MCMC, M2 BF-VI, M3 semi-structured and plots their estimated densities.