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Merge pull request #61 from teksi/2024-10-28-update-tdh-protection-tu…
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2024 10 28 update tdh protection tube create code
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ponceta authored Nov 18, 2024
2 parents 5081cec + 41211f0 commit f844af0
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Showing 7 changed files with 198 additions and 38 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions datamodel/changelogs/0001/03_tdh_control_cable_db_sia405.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405cc_cable.geometry3d_geometry IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD COLUMN elevation_determination integer ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405cc_cable.elevation_determination IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD COLUMN depth smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405cc_cable.depth IS 'Extension 3D, depth (height) of an object [mm]. / Erweiterung 3D, Mächtigkeit (Höhe) eines Objektes [mm]. / Extension 3D, épaisseur (hauteur) d''un objet [mm].';
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405cc_cable.depth IS 'Extension 3D, depth (height) of an object [mm]. / Erweiterung 3D Mächtigkeit (Höhe) eines Objektes [mm]. / Extension 3D, épaisseur (hauteur) d''un objet [mm].';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD COLUMN last_modification TIMESTAMP without time zone DEFAULT now();
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405cc_cable.last_modification IS 'Last modification / Letzte_Aenderung / Derniere_modification: INTERLIS_1_DATE';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD COLUMN fk_dataowner varchar(16);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ ALTER TABLE tdh_vl.sia405cc_cable_elevation_determination ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_td
--------- Relations to class organisation for dataowner and provider (new 3.11.2014);

ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable_point ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_point_fk_dataowner FOREIGN KEY (fk_dataowner) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable_point ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_point_fk_dataprovider FOREIGN KEY (fk_provider) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_fk_dataowner FOREIGN KEY (fk_dataowner) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_fk_dataprovider FOREIGN KEY (fk_provider) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable_point ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_point_fk_dataowner FOREIGN KEY (fk_dataowner) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable_point ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_point_fk_dataprovider FOREIGN KEY (fk_provider) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_fk_dataowner FOREIGN KEY (fk_dataowner) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405cc_cable ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405cc_cable_fk_dataprovider FOREIGN KEY (fk_provider) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

------ Indexes on identifiers

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion datamodel/changelogs/0001/03_tdh_db_sia405.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.pipe_point_feed.category IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_point_feed ADD COLUMN year_of_commissioning smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.pipe_point_feed.year_of_commissioning IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_point_feed ADD COLUMN year_of_reconstruction smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.pipe_point_feed.year_of_reconstruction IS '';
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.pipe_point_feed.year_of_reconstruction IS 'Year of reconstruction / Jahr des Umbaus / Année de transformation';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_point_feed ADD COLUMN pressure smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.pipe_point_feed.pressure IS ' / Primaerer_Konstruktionsdruck (bar_Ue) / pression de construction primaire [bar]';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_point_feed ADD COLUMN flow_temperature integer ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.trench_point.name_number IS ' / désignation univoque';
-- CREATE INDEX in_tdh_trench_point_geometry_geometry ON tdh_od.trench_point USING gist (geometry_geometry );
-- COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.trench_point.geometry_geometry IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.trench_point ADD COLUMN geometry3d_geometry geometry('POINTZ', :SRID);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.trench_point.geometry3d_geometry IS '3D Situation / 3D Lage / 3D Positionnement';
CREATE INDEX in_tdh_trench_point_geometry3d_geometry ON tdh_od.trench_point USING gist (geometry3d_geometry );

ALTER TABLE tdh_od.trench_point ADD COLUMN horizontal_positioning integer ;
Expand Down
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions datamodel/changelogs/0001/03_tdh_protection_tube_db_sia405.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
------ This file generates the postgres database (Modul schutzrohr (based on SIA405_SCHUTZROHR_3D_2015_LV95 (Version 18.04.2018) in en for QQIS
------ Rename classes for integration in specific TEKSI module based on this convention:
------ For questions etc. please contact Stefan Burckhardt [email protected]
------ version 28.10.2024 20:55:20
------ with 3D coordinates

CREATE TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube
obj_id varchar(16) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pkey_tdh_od_sia405pt_protection_tube_obj_id PRIMARY KEY (obj_id)
OIDS = False
CREATE SEQUENCE tdh_od.seq_sia405pt_protection_tube_oid INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 0 MAXVALUE 999999 START 0;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.obj_id IS 'INTERLIS STANDARD OID (with Postfix/Präfix), see';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN name_number text;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT _name_number_length_max_40 CHECK(char_length(name_number)<=40);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.name_number IS '';
-- ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN geometry_geometry geometry('COMPOUNDCURVE', :SRID);
-- CREATE INDEX in_tdh_sia405pt_protection_tube_geometry_geometry ON tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube USING gist (geometry_geometry );
-- COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.geometry_geometry IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN material integer ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.material IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN nominal_diameter text;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT _nominal_diameter_length_max_10 CHECK(char_length(nominal_diameter)<=10);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.nominal_diameter IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN outside_diameter smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.outside_diameter IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN lenght smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.lenght IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN installation_year smallint ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.installation_year IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN horizontal_positioning integer ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.horizontal_positioning IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN status integer ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.status IS 'Operating and planning status of the structure / Betriebs- bzw. Planungszustand des Bauwerks / Etat de fonctionnement et de planification de l’ouvrage';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN sur_plus_cover decimal(4,1) ;
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.sur_plus_cover IS 'yyy_mittlerer Wert eines Objektes / mittlerer Wert eines Objektes / xxx_mittlerer Wert eines Objektes';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN condition text;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT _condition_length_max_30 CHECK(char_length(condition)<=30);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.condition IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN remark text;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT _remark_length_max_80 CHECK(char_length(remark)<=80);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.remark IS 'General remarks / Allgemeine Bemerkungen / Remarques générales';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN geometry3d_geometry geometry('COMPOUNDCURVEZ', :SRID);
CREATE INDEX in_tdh_sia405pt_protection_tube_geometry3d_geometry ON tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube USING gist (geometry3d_geometry );
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.geometry3d_geometry IS '';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN last_modification TIMESTAMP without time zone DEFAULT now();
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.last_modification IS 'Last modification / Letzte_Aenderung / Derniere_modification: INTERLIS_1_DATE';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN fk_dataowner varchar(16);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.fk_dataowner IS 'Foreignkey to Metaattribute dataowner (as an organisation) - this is the person or body who is allowed to delete, change or maintain this object / Metaattribut Datenherr ist diejenige Person oder Stelle, die berechtigt ist, diesen Datensatz zu löschen, zu ändern bzw. zu verwalten / Maître des données gestionnaire de données, qui est la personne ou l''organisation autorisée pour gérer, modifier ou supprimer les données de cette table/classe';
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN fk_provider varchar(16);
COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube.fk_provider IS 'Foreignkey to Metaattribute provider (as an organisation) - this is the person or body who delivered the data / Metaattribut Datenlieferant ist diejenige Person oder Stelle, die die Daten geliefert hat / FOURNISSEUR DES DONNEES Organisation qui crée l’enregistrement de ces données ';
------------ Relationships and Value Tables ----------- ;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN fk_owner varchar(16);
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT rel_sia405pt_protection_tube_owner FOREIGN KEY (fk_owner) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE set null DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
CREATE TABLE tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material () INHERITS (tdh_vl.value_list_base);
ALTER TABLE tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_tdh_vl_sia405pt_protection_tube_material_code PRIMARY KEY (code);
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9438,9438,'concrete','Beton','beton', 'calcestruzzo', 'beton', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9437,9437,'cast_iron.gray_iron','Guss.Grauguss','fonte.fonte_grise', 'ghisa.ghisa_grigia', 'fonta.fonta_cenusie', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9436,9436,'cast_iron.ductile_cast','Guss.Guss_duktil','fonte.fonte_ductil', 'ghisa.ghisa_duttile', 'fonta.fonta_ductila', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9433,9433,'plastic.polyethylene','Kunststoff.Polyethylen','matiere_synthetique.polyethylene', 'materiale_sintetico.polietilene', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9434,9434,'plastic.PVC','Kunststoff.Polyvinylchlorid','matiere_synthetique.chlorure_de_polyvinyle', 'materiale_sintetico.polivinilcloruro', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9435,9435,'steel','Stahl','acier', 'acciaio', 'otel', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9432,9432,'unknown','unbekannt','inconnue', 'sconosciuto', 'necunoscuta', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_vl_sia405pt_protection_tube_material FOREIGN KEY (material)
REFERENCES tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_material (code) MATCH SIMPLE
CREATE TABLE tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning () INHERITS (tdh_vl.value_list_base);
ALTER TABLE tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_tdh_vl_sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning_code PRIMARY KEY (code);
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9443,9443,'accurate','genau','precis', 'precisa', 'precisa', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9444,9444,'unknown','unbekannt','inconnue', 'sconosciuto', 'necunoscuta', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9445,9445,'inaccurate','ungenau','imprecis', 'impreciso', 'imprecisa', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_vl_sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning FOREIGN KEY (horizontal_positioning)
REFERENCES tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_horizontal_positioning (code) MATCH SIMPLE
CREATE TABLE tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status () INHERITS (tdh_vl.value_list_base);
ALTER TABLE tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_tdh_vl_sia405pt_protection_tube_status_code PRIMARY KEY (code);
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9446,9446,'inoperative','ausser_Betrieb','hors_service', 'fuori_servizio', 'rrr_ausser_Betrieb', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9447,9447,'inoperative.reserve','ausser_Betrieb.Reserve','hors_service.en_reserve', 'fuori_servizio.riserva', 'rrr_ausser_Betrieb.Reserve', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9448,9448,'operational','in_Betrieb','en_service', 'in_funzione', 'functionala', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9449,9449,'operational.tentative','in_Betrieb.provisorisch','en_service.provisoire', 'in_funzione.provvisorio', 'functionala.provizoriu', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9450,9450,'others','weitere','', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9451,9451,'other.calculation_alternative','weitere.Berechnungsvariante','autre.variante_de_calcule', 'altro.variante_calcolo', 'alta.varianta_calcul', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9452,9452,'other.planned','weitere.geplant','autre.planifie', 'altro.previsto', 'rrr_weitere.geplant', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
INSERT INTO tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code, vsacode, value_en, value_de, value_fr, value_it, value_ro, abbr_en, abbr_de, abbr_fr, abbr_it, abbr_ro, active) VALUES (9453,9453,'other.project','weitere.Projekt','autre.projet', 'altro.progetto', 'alta.proiect', '', '', '', '', '', 'true');
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_vl_sia405pt_protection_tube_status FOREIGN KEY (status)
REFERENCES tdh_vl.sia405pt_protection_tube_status (code) MATCH SIMPLE
--------- Relations to class organisation for dataowner and provider (new 3.11.2014);

ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405pt_protection_tube_fk_dataowner FOREIGN KEY (fk_dataowner) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405pt_protection_tube_fk_dataprovider FOREIGN KEY (fk_provider) REFERENCES tdh_od.organisation(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

--------- Extra Relation to class pipe_section of tdh
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD COLUMN fk_pipe_section varchar(16);
ALTER TABLE tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube ADD CONSTRAINT rel_od_sia405pt_protection_tube_fk_pipe_section FOREIGN KEY (fk_pipe_section) REFERENCES tdh_od.pipe_section(obj_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

------ Indexes on identifiers

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX in_od_sia405pt_protection_tube_name_number ON tdh_od.sia405pt_protection_tube USING btree (name_number ASC NULLS LAST, fk_dataowner ASC NULLS LAST);


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