This SDK provides access to Tebex APIs through server-side applications running Node.
- Node 22 or higher
Install the SDK via NPM with the following command:
npm install tebexio/tebex-sdk-nodejs
Headless allows interaction with your Tebex project using pre-defined packages and is available for all stores.
// Initialize connection to Tebex by setting the public key. Use the returned project instance to
// interact with the store.
Tebex.headless.setProject("your-public-key").then(project => {
project.listCategories().then(categories => {
// loops through all categories
project.listPackages().then(packages => {
// loop through all packages
project.getCategory(12345).then(category => {
//use specific category
// Create baskets by providing a completion and cancellation url
project.createBasket("", "").then(basket => {
// If the project requires a user to auth, direct them to the auth url. On return the user's basket will
// contain their authorized username.
// NOTE: Most stores require the user to be authed before you are able to add packages.
if (project.requiresUserAuth()) {
let authUrl = project.getUserAuthUrl(basket, "");
console.log("User auth required at: " + authUrl + ".");
// Add packages after auth
project.getPackage(67890).then(pack => {
// Various helper functions are provided for special actions such as gifting or gift card deliverables.
basket.addGiftedPackage(pack, "Username");
basket.addGiftCardPackage(pack, "[email protected]");
// You may also provide custom variable data as needed
basket.addPackage(pack, {
// Each function returns the remote basket after completion, but you can always refresh your current
// basket instance from the API.
basket.refreshBasket().then(b => {
//use new basket
// Query the basket variable for any information
console.log("Price $: " + basket.getBasket().basePrice);
// Go to checkout
let checkoutLink = basket.getLinks().checkout;
console.log("Checkout at: " + checkoutLink);
Webhooks are sent to authorized endpoints configured within your Tebex creator panel. They contain information about events that occur in your project such as payments, refunds, and disputes.
Note: The secret key must be your webhook key provided at
let webhook = Webhook.parse("your-received-webhook-json", {
"HTTP-X-SIGNATURE": "your-received-signature",
"REMOTE_ADDR": "webhook-originating-ip"
// You can check for specific webhook types
if (webhook.isType(WebhookType.VALIDATION_WEBHOOK)) {
// respond to validation webhooks by returning their id
let response = {"id": webhook.getId()}
// You can quickly check for types of webhooks with helper functions
else if (webhook.isTypeOfPayment() || webhook.isTypeOfDispute()) {
// subject contains data about the webhook action
let subject = webhook.getSubject() as PaymentSubject;
else if (webhook.isTypeOfRecurringPayment()) {
let subject = webhook.getSubject() as RecurringPaymentSubject;
// etc...
The Checkout API allows collecting payment for ad-hoc products not defined in a Tebex project.
This API requires prior approval. Please contact Tebex support to enable on your account.
let checkout = Tebex.checkout.setApiKeys("project-id", "private-key");
// Use a BasketBuilder to create your basket
let basketBuilder = checkout.newBasketBuilder()
.email("[email protected]")
// Use a Package builder to define packages
let package1 = checkout.newPackageBuilder()
.name("100 Gold")
let package2 = checkout.newPackageBuilder()
.name("1 Month Sub")
// Recommended: Create a single checkout request containing basket info, all packages, and any sales.
let checkoutItems = [
checkout.checkoutRequest(basketBuilder, checkoutItems, undefined).then(
(checkoutBasket) => {
console.log("Checkout at: " + checkoutBasket.links!.checkout);
// Alternatively, you can add, remove, or change packages as needed after building the basket. => {
Tebex.checkout.addPackage(basket, => {
// The basket object contains all property getters
let checkoutLink = currentBasket.links?.checkout;
console.log("Checkout at: " + checkoutLink);
Our APIs are fully documented at as a resource for all options, events, and advanced functionality possible through Tebex.
This SDK is open source and we welcome contributions from the community. If you wish to make a contribution, please review for guidelines and things to know before making your contribution.
For issues relating to this library, please raise an issue in its repository. Otherwise you may also contact [email protected].