A new string implementation for c, encoding size of strings in the 4 Bytes preceding the pointer. Malloc-ing size of string + 5, and keeping the null termination for retro-compatibility with current c standards.
c libs included:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct s_istr
char c;
} t_istr;
Functions currently available in libft_strings:
*ft_newistr(int size);
Allocates (size + 5) Bytes and return a pointer to the 5th allocated Byte. The value of size is written as an integer in the4 Bytes preceding the pointer.
*ft_strtoistr(char *str, char del);
Creates a new copy of str, offers the option to free str if del is not '/0'.
ft_freeistr(t_istr *istr);
Free a t_istr item by correctly targetting the pointer 4 Bytes inferior to istr.
ft_putistr(t_istr *istr, int fd, char end, char del);
Writes a string in the fd file descriptor. The strlen operation to provide to the write(2) function is avoided by reading the type casted int left of the pointer. Optionnaly ends the string with the char of ascii value "end". ('\0' does nothing) Optionnaly frees the t_istr istr if del is not '\0'.