A LiveScript loader plugin for RequireJS, Initially based on require-cs.
I just study web front-end these days, wanna LiveScript be used directly in browser, .js/.ls are modularized, and light-weighted to development.
The require-cs is well done, but only for CoffeeScript. So the require-ls deviate from it, apply to LiveScript, and remove unnecessary files.
More details can be found in require-cs. ;)
git clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/tcc/require-ls.git
Reference LiveScript files via the ls! plugin name:
require(['ls!app'], function (app) { });
Or, if creating a module:
define(['ls!util'], function (util) { util.doSomething(); });
If you are using define() in a module written with LiveScript:
define ['ls!util'], (util) -> util.doSomething
The demo/ directory shows a complete web example. See the demo/index.html
as the entry point into the demo. It is not a fancy demo, just shows basic use.
use Firfox to open demo/index.html
as local file.
Available via the MIT or new BSD license.