ALL-4358 - Add Flare subscription support #1064
515 passed, 235 failed and 77 skipped
❌ reports/jest-junit.xml
827 tests were completed in 259s with 515 passed, 235 failed and 77 skipped.
✅ src/e2e/extensions/tatum.extensions.spec.ts
Tatum Extension Ecosystem › General Extension
✅ should work after being registered
✅ should fail if network not supported
Tatum Extension Ecosystem › Wallet Extension
✅ should work after being registered
Tatum Extension Ecosystem › Configurable Wallet Extension
✅ should work after being registered without config if optional
✅ src/e2e/ipfs.spec.ts
⚪ should upload file to IPFS
✅ src/e2e/rpc/evm/eth/tatum.rpc.beacon.spec.ts
Beacon › v1 › ethereum-holesky
✅ should get genesis
✅ should get state root
✅ should get block headers
✅ should get block root
✅ should get state committees
✅ should get state finality checkpoints
✅ should get state fork
✅ should get state sync committees
Beacon › v1 › ethereum-sepolia
✅ should get genesis
✅ should get state root
✅ should get block headers
✅ should get block root
✅ should get state committees
✅ should get state finality checkpoints
✅ should get state fork
✅ should get state sync committees
Beacon › v1 › ethereum-mainnet
✅ should get genesis
✅ should get state root
✅ should get block headers
✅ should get block root
✅ should get state committees
✅ should get state finality checkpoints
✅ should get state fork
✅ should get state sync committees
✅ src/e2e/rpc/evm/eth/tatum.rpc.ethereum.spec.ts
✅ should get token total supply
✅ should get token cap
✅ should return true if contract is a multitoken
✅ custom rpc provider
✅ debug storage range at
✅ get logs
✅ src/e2e/rpc/evm/evm.rpc.spec.ts
RPC EVM › celo-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › celo-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › arbitrum-one-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › arb-nova-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › arb-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › eon-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › horizen-eon-gobi
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › chiliz-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › bsc-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › bsc-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › flare-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › flare-songbird
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › flare-coston
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › flare-coston2
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › ethereum-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › ethereum-sepolia
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › ethereum-holesky
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › ethereum-goerli
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › fantom-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › fantom-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › ethereum-classic-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › polygon-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › polygon-mumbai
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › haqq-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › haqq-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › tron-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › tron-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › klaytn-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › klaytn-baobab
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › avalanche-c-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › avax-testnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
RPC EVM › xinfin-mainnet
✅ eth_blockNumber
✅ eth_chainId
✅ eth_estimateGas
✅ eth_gasPrice
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ eth_getBlockByNumber
✅ src/e2e/rpc/evm/tatum.rpc.klay.spec.ts
RPC Klaytn › klaytn-mainnet › klay prefix
✅ klay_blockNumber
✅ klay_chainId
✅ klay_gasPrice
✅ klay_getBlockByNumber
✅ web3_clientVersion
RPC Klaytn › klaytn-baobab › klay prefix
✅ klay_blockNumber
✅ klay_chainId
✅ klay_gasPrice
✅ klay_getBlockByNumber
✅ web3_clientVersion
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.roc.algorand.indexer.spec.ts
Algorand Indexer › Mainnet
✅ should correctly get health status
✅ should correctly get accounts
✅ should correctly get account by address
✅ should correctly get assets
✅ should correctly get asset by id
✅ should correctly get asset balances
✅ should correctly get asset transactions
✅ should correctly get block
Algorand Indexer › Testnet
✅ should correctly get health status
✅ should correctly get accounts
✅ should correctly get account by address
✅ should correctly get assets
✅ should correctly get asset by id
✅ should correctly get asset balances
✅ should correctly get asset transactions
✅ should correctly get block
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.algorand.algod.spec.ts
Algorand Algod › Mainnet
✅ should correctly get ledger supply
✅ should correctly get block hash
✅ should correctly get genesis
✅ should correctly check if node is healthy
✅ should correctly check if node is ready
⚪ should correctly get tx params
Algorand Algod › Testnet
✅ should correctly get ledger supply
✅ should correctly get block hash
✅ should correctly get genesis
✅ should correctly check if node is healthy
✅ should correctly check if node is ready
⚪ should correctly get tx params
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.bnb.spec.ts
Bnb › mainnet
✅ block
✅ abciInfo
✅ blockchain
✅ health
✅ genesis
✅ validators
✅ unconfirmedTxs
✅ raw rpc call
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.cardano.rosetta.spec.ts
Cardano Rosetta › Mainnet
✅ should get network status
✅ should get network list
✅ should get block
Cardano Rosetta › Testnet
✅ should get network status
✅ should get network list
✅ should get block
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.eos.spec.ts
eos › mainnet
✅ getInfo
✅ getAccount
✅ getCurrencyStats
✅ getCurrencyBalance
✅ getTableRows
eos › testnet
✅ getNowBlock
✅ getCurrencyStats
✅ getCurrencyBalance
✅ getTableRows
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.solana.spec.ts
Solana › mainnet › getAccountInfo
⚪ should return account info
Solana › mainnet › getBalance
⚪ should return the balance of a public key
⚪ should return error if an invalid public key is provided
Solana › mainnet › getBlockHeight
⚪ should return the current block height
Solana › mainnet › getBlockProduction
⚪ should return block production information
Solana › mainnet › getBlockCommitment
⚪ should return block commitment information
Solana › mainnet › getBlocks
⚪ should return an array of block numbers between two slots
⚪ should return an array of block numbers between two slots, passing only endSlot
⚪ should return an array of confirmed block numbers between two slots
Solana › mainnet › getBlockTime
⚪ should return block time
Solana › mainnet › getClusterNodes
⚪ should return cluster nodes info
Solana › mainnet › getEpochInfo
⚪ should return epoch info
Solana › mainnet › getEpochSchedule
⚪ should return epoch schedule
Solana › mainnet › getFirstAvailableBlock
⚪ should return first available block
Solana › mainnet › getGenesisHash
⚪ should return genesis hash
Solana › mainnet › getHealth
⚪ should return health status
Solana › mainnet › getHighestSnapshotSlot
⚪ should return highest snapshot slot
Solana › mainnet › getIdentity
⚪ should return identity
Solana › mainnet › getInflationGovernor
⚪ should return inflation governor info
Solana › mainnet › getInflationRate
⚪ should return inflation rate
Solana › mainnet › getInflationReward
⚪ should return inflation reward
Solana › mainnet › getLargestAccounts
⚪ should return largest accounts
Solana › mainnet › getLatestBlockhash
⚪ should return latest blockhash
Solana › mainnet › getLeaderSchedule
⚪ should return leader schedule
Solana › mainnet › getMultipleAccounts
⚪ should return account info
Solana › mainnet › getSlot
⚪ should return slot number
Solana › mainnet › getSlotLeaders
⚪ should return slot leader info
Solana › mainnet › getTokenAccountBalance
⚪ should return token account balance
Solana › mainnet › getTokenAccountsByOwner
⚪ should return token accounts by owner
Solana › mainnet › getTransaction
⚪ should return transaction data
Solana › mainnet › getProgramAccount
⚪ should return account data
Solana › devnet › getBlockHeight
⚪ should return the current block height
Solana › devnet › getBlockProduction
⚪ should return block production information
Solana › devnet › getBlockCommitment
⚪ should return block commitment information
Solana › devnet › getBlock
⚪ should return a recent block
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.stellar.spec.ts
Stellar › mainnet
✅ should get accounts
⚪ should get account detail
✅ should get fee stats
✅ should get ledger
✅ should get offers
Stellar › mainnet › should get strict send
✅ destinationAccount
✅ destinationAssets
Stellar › mainnet › should get strict receive
✅ sourceAssets
✅ sourceAccount
Stellar › testnet
✅ should get accounts
⚪ should get account detail
✅ should get fee stats
✅ should get ledger
✅ should get offers
Stellar › testnet › should get strict send
✅ destinationAccount
✅ destinationAssets
Stellar › testnet › should get strict receive
✅ sourceAssets
✅ sourceAccount
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.tezos.spec.ts
Tezos › Mainnet
✅ getBlock
✅ getBlocksHead
✅ getCheckpoint
✅ getContract
✅ getContractBalanceAndFrozenBonds
✅ getContractsEntrypoints
Tezos › Testnet
✅ getBlock
✅ getBlocksHead
✅ getCheckpoint
⚪ Inject Operation
⚪ Inject Block
⚪ Inject Protocol
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.tron.spec.ts
RPCs › TRON › testnet
✅ getNowBlock
✅ getChainParameters
✅ getBlockByNum
✅ getBlockById
✅ getTransactionById
RPCs › TRON › mainnet
✅ getNowBlock
✅ getChainParameters
✅ getBlockByNum
✅ getBlockById
✅ getTransactionById
✅ getBlockByLimitNext
✅ getAccountBalance
✅ src/e2e/rpc/other/tatum.rpc.xrp.spec.ts
RPCs › XRP › testnet
✅ ping
RPCs › XRP › mainnet
✅ account_channels
✅ account_currencies
✅ account_lines
✅ account_info
✅ noripple_check
✅ ledger_closed
✅ ledger_entry
✅ submit
✅ book_offers
✅ fee
✅ src/e2e/rpc/utxo/tatum.rpc.bch.spec.ts
Bitcoin Cash › mainnet
✅ estimatefee
Bitcoin Cash › testnet
✅ estimatefee
✅ src/e2e/rpc/utxo/tatum.rpc.doge.spec.ts
Doge › mainnet
✅ createrawtransaction
✅ src/e2e/rpc/utxo/utxo.rpc.spec.ts
UTXO E2E Test Suite › bitcoin-testnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ estimatesmartfee
UTXO E2E Test Suite › bitcoin-mainnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ estimatesmartfee
UTXO E2E Test Suite › doge-testnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ estimatesmartfee
UTXO E2E Test Suite › doge-mainnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ estimatesmartfee
UTXO E2E Test Suite › litecoin-testnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ estimatesmartfee
UTXO E2E Test Suite › litecoin-mainnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ estimatesmartfee
UTXO E2E Test Suite › zcash-testnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
UTXO E2E Test Suite › bch-testnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
UTXO E2E Test Suite › bitcoin-cash-mainnet
✅ chain info
✅ chain info raw call
✅ best block hash
✅ block count
✅ difficulty
✅ mempool info
✅ src/e2e/tatum.address.spec.ts
Address › Address Balance › getBalance EVM
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
⚪ should get balance with native assets only for 2 addresses
⚪ should get balance with native, erc20 and erc721 assets
Address › Address Balance › getBalance SOL
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance BTC
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance DOGE
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance LTC
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance CARDANO
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance XRP
⚪ should get balance with native assets only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance Tezos
⚪ should get all balances for address
⚪ should get balance for nft tokens only
Address › Address Balance › getBalance Tron
⚪ should get balance with native and erc20 assets
Address › Address Balance › getBalance EON
⚪ should get balance from eon network
Address › getTransactions › getTransactions EVM
⚪ should get transactions - native only
⚪ should get transactions - tokens only
⚪ should get transactions - NFT tokens only
⚪ should get transactions - pagination
⚪ should get transactions for specific contract
Address › getTransactions › getTransactions BITCOIN
⚪ should get transactions
⚪ should get transactions by block with cursor pagination
Address › getTransactions › getTransactions DOGECOIN
⚪ should get transactions
⚪ should get transactions by block with cursor pagination
Address › getTransactions › getTransactions LITECOIN
⚪ should get transactions
⚪ should get transactions by block with cursor pagination
Address › getTransactions › getTransactions Tezos
⚪ should get transactions - native only
⚪ should get transactions by block with cursor pagination
Address › getTransactions › getTransactions EON
⚪ should get transactions - native only
⚪ should get transactions - tokens only
✅ src/e2e/tatum.fee.spec.ts
✅ should return fee for eth testnet
✅ should return fee for btc testnet
✅ src/e2e/tatum.logger.spec.ts
✅ should warn on missing API key
✅ src/e2e/tatum.nft.spec.ts
Tatum NFT › NFT balances
✅ should get NFT balances
Tatum NFT › NFT transactions
✅ should get NFT transactions for a specific NFT token
✅ should get NFT transactions for a specific NFT token on the address
Tatum NFT › NFT owners
✅ should get NFT owners for a specific NFT token
✅ should not get NFT owners for a specific NFT token - no such token
✅ check if NFT is owned by a specific address
✅ check if NFT is owned by a specific address - not the owner
Tatum NFT › NFT collections
✅ should get small collection
✅ should get small collection without metadata
✅ should get big collection with pagination
Tatum NFT › NFT metadata
✅ should get NFT Metadata for NFT
Tatum NFT › Create collections
⚪ should create NFT ERC721 collection
⚪ should create NFT ERC1155 collection
Tatum NFT - Tezos
⚪ Should deploy contract on Tezos testnet
Tatum NFT - Test mint flow
⚪ Test
❌ src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Address Event
✅ OK bitcoin-mainnet
❌ OK bitcoin-testnet
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
✅ OK bitcoin-cash-mainnet
❌ OK bch-testnet
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BCH address. Bitcoin Cash address must start with bitcoincash, bchtest or bchreg. And must contain 42 characters after.
✅ OK litecoin-mainnet
❌ OK litecoin-testnet
Error: Request validation failed. Please see data for additional information.
✅ OK doge-mainnet
❌ OK doge-testnet
Error: address must be a valid mainnet DOGE address. Doge address must start with D or n. And must contain 33 characters after.
✅ OK ethereum-mainnet
✅ OK ethereum-sepolia
✅ OK ethereum-holesky
✅ OK polygon-mainnet
✅ OK polygon-mumbai
✅ OK celo-mainnet
✅ OK celo-testnet
✅ OK solana-mainnet
✅ OK solana-devnet
✅ OK bsc-mainnet
✅ OK bsc-testnet
✅ OK klaytn-mainnet
✅ OK klaytn-baobab
✅ OK tron-mainnet
✅ OK tron-testnet
✅ OK ripple-mainnet
✅ OK ripple-testnet
✅ OK tezos-mainnet
✅ OK flare-mainnet
✅ OK flare-coston
✅ OK flare-coston2
✅ OK flare-songbird
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx
✅ OK bitcoin-mainnet
❌ OK bitcoin-testnet
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
✅ OK litecoin-mainnet
❌ OK litecoin-testnet
Error: Request validation failed. Please see data for additional information.
✅ OK doge-mainnet
❌ OK doge-testnet
Error: address must be a valid mainnet DOGE address. Doge address must start with D or n. And must contain 33 characters after.
✅ OK ethereum-mainnet
✅ OK ethereum-sepolia
✅ OK ethereum-holesky
✅ OK polygon-mainnet
✅ OK polygon-mumbai
✅ OK celo-mainnet
✅ OK celo-testnet
✅ OK bsc-mainnet
✅ OK bsc-testnet
✅ OK ripple-mainnet
✅ OK ripple-testnet
✅ OK klaytn-mainnet
✅ OK klaytn-baobab
✅ OK tron-mainnet
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Subscription for type INCOMING_NATIVE_TX on the address id TLduuX5NWFucPPafLbj9eab6Znwrdm72Qv and currency TRON already exists (65ce1e76bfd3da4bc8c65447).
✅ OK solana-mainnet
❌ OK solana-devnet
Error: Too Many Requests
✅ OK ripple-mainnet
✅ OK ripple-testnet
✅ OK tezos-mainnet
✅ OK flare-mainnet
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Outgoing Native Tx
❌ OK bitcoin-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bitcoin-testnet
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
❌ OK litecoin-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK litecoin-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ripple-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ripple-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tron-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK solana-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK solana-devnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ripple-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ripple-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Too Many Requests
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Outgoing Failed Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Too Many Requests
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Paid Fee
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ripple-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ripple-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Internal Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Outgoing Internal Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Fungible Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK solana-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK solana-devnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Too Many Requests
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Outgoing Fungible Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK solana-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK solana-devnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Nft Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK solana-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK solana-devnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Too Many Requests
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Outgoing Nft Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tron-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tron-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK solana-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK solana-devnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Multitoken Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Too Many Requests
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Outgoing Multitoken Tx
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Too Many Requests
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Failed Txs Per Block
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK celo-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK celo-testnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK bsc-testnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK tron-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK tron-testnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK solana-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK solana-devnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK tezos-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK flare-mainnet
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK flare-coston
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK flare-coston2
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
❌ OK flare-songbird
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Contract Address Log Event
❌ OK ethereum-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-sepolia
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK ethereum-holesky
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK polygon-mumbai
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK celo-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK bsc-testnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK klaytn-baobab
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-mainnet
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-coston2
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
❌ OK flare-songbird
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
notification › createSubscription
❌ NOK - existing subscription
Error: expect(received).toMatch(expected)
✅ NOK - invalid address
notification › deleteSubscription
❌ OK
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'id' of 'subscribeData' as it is null.
✅ NOK - invalid subscription
✅ getAll
⚪ getAllExecutedWebhooks
✅ src/e2e/tatum.rates.spec.ts
✅ get ETH/EUR
✅ get batch
✅ src/e2e/tatum.spec.ts
Tatum Init › IP auth
✅ Testnet
✅ Mainnet
Tatum Init › Multiple Instances
✅ IP auth
✅ src/e2e/tatum.token.spec.ts
Tatum token › token balances
✅ should get token balances
✅ should get token balances - few addresses
Tatum token › token transactions
✅ should get ERC20 transactions for address for all tokens
✅ should get ERC20 transactions for address for specific token
Tatum token › token transactions › should filter ERC20 transactions for address for all tokens
✅ blockFrom
✅ blockTo
✅ no txs by filter
✅ both txs by filter
Tatum token › Token metadata
✅ should get ERC20 token metadata
Tatum token › Create token
⚪ should create ERC20 token
✅ src/service/rpc/evm/EvmUtils.spec.ts
EvmUtils › isArchiveMethod
✅ archive method eth_getCode -> true
✅ archive method eth_call -> true
✅ archive method debug -> true
✅ archive method trace -> true
✅ archive method getStorageAt -> false
✅ archive method eth_call -> true
✅ archive method getBalance -> false
✅ archive method eth_getCode -> true
✅ archive method getBlockByNumber -> false
✅ archive method getLogs -> false
✅ archive method other -> false
✅ archive method & param getStorageAt -> [ 1, 2 ]
✅ archive method & param getStorageAt -> [ 1, 2, 'latest' ]
✅ archive method & param getStorageAt -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
✅ archive method & param getStorageAt -> []
✅ archive method & param getBalance -> [ 1 ]
✅ archive method & param getBalance -> [ 1, 'latest' ]
✅ archive method & param getBalance -> [ 1, 2 ]
✅ archive method & param getBalance -> []
✅ archive method & param getBlockByNumber -> []
✅ archive method & param getBlockByNumber -> [ 'latest' ]
✅ archive method & param getBlockByNumber -> [ 1 ]
✅ archive method & param getLogs -> [ 1, [Object] ]
✅ archive method & param getLogs -> [ 1, [Object] ]
✅ archive method & param getLogs -> [ 1, [Object] ]
✅ archive method & param getLogs -> [ 1, [Object] ]
✅ archive method & param getLogs -> [ 1, [Object] ]
✅ src/util/network.utils.spec.ts
Network Utils › getChainId
✅ valid ethereum-mainnet -> 1
✅ valid ethereum-sepolia -> 11155111
✅ valid celo-mainnet -> 42220
✅ valid celo-testnet -> 44787
Network Utils › isTestnet
✅ valid ethereum-mainnet -> false
✅ valid ethereum-sepolia -> true
✅ valid celo-mainnet -> false
✅ valid celo-testnet -> true
Network Utils › isAlternateTestnet
✅ valid ethereum-mainnet -> false
✅ valid ethereum-sepolia -> false
✅ valid ethereum-holesky -> true
✅ valid ethereum-goerli -> true
✅ valid celo-mainnet -> false
✅ valid celo-testnet -> false
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Address Event ► OK bitcoin-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
Raw output
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:54:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Address Event ► OK bch-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BCH address. Bitcoin Cash address must start with bitcoincash, bchtest or bchreg. And must contain 42 characters after.
Raw output
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BCH address. Bitcoin Cash address must start with bitcoincash, bchtest or bchreg. And must contain 42 characters after.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:54:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Address Event ► OK litecoin-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: Request validation failed. Please see data for additional information.
Raw output
Error: Request validation failed. Please see data for additional information.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:54:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Address Event ► OK doge-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: address must be a valid mainnet DOGE address. Doge address must start with D or n. And must contain 33 characters after.
Raw output
Error: address must be a valid mainnet DOGE address. Doge address must start with D or n. And must contain 33 characters after.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:54:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK bitcoin-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
Raw output
Error: address must be a valid mainnet BTC address. Bitcoin address should start with 1, 2, 3, bc1, m, n or tb1. And it must be at least 27 characters long.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK litecoin-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: Request validation failed. Please see data for additional information.
Raw output
Error: Request validation failed. Please see data for additional information.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK doge-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: address must be a valid mainnet DOGE address. Doge address must start with D or n. And must contain 33 characters after.
Raw output
Error: address must be a valid mainnet DOGE address. Doge address must start with D or n. And must contain 33 characters after.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK tron-testnet
Failed test found in:
Error: Subscription for type INCOMING_NATIVE_TX on the address id TLduuX5NWFucPPafLbj9eab6Znwrdm72Qv and currency TRON already exists (65ce1e76bfd3da4bc8c65447).
Raw output
Error: Subscription for type INCOMING_NATIVE_TX on the address id TLduuX5NWFucPPafLbj9eab6Znwrdm72Qv and currency TRON already exists (65ce1e76bfd3da4bc8c65447).
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK solana-devnet
Failed test found in:
Error: Too Many Requests
Raw output
Error: Too Many Requests
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK flare-coston
Failed test found in:
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
Raw output
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11
Check failure on line 89 in src/e2e/e2e.util.ts
github-actions / TEST REPORT
src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts ► notification › createSubscription › IP auth › Incoming Native Tx ► OK flare-coston2
Failed test found in:
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
Raw output
Error: Maximum overall subscriptions count for free plan is 5.
at Object.testAddressBasedSubscription (/home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/e2e.util.ts:89:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at /home/runner/work/tatum-js/tatum-js/src/e2e/tatum.notification.spec.ts:73:11