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Lê Ngọc Đăng Khoa edited this page Sep 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the 2049 wiki!


This is what you'll see when you first open the game

Navigating through menus

You can use up / down arrow keys to control the cursor next to the text then press "enter" to access that option. You can also use number keys if you don't like using arrow keys (instant access)


Access through option 2 in main menu

Dark and light theme

By default, the game uses Dark theme (black background, white text) but you can also change to Light theme (white background, black text)

Comparision between Dark (left) and Light (right) theme

40/80 columns (DOS version)

If you play this game on a composite monitor, 40 columns mode is recommended to have better text

Comparision between 40 columns (left) and 80 columns (right)

Widescreen mode (windows 10)

Since Windows 10's console windows default to 120 columns,widescreen mode was made only for this

widescreen mode (windows 10)

Changing Username

You can change your username to whatever you like but it can't be longer than 16 characters

Changing keyboard bindings

By default, the game uses these configurations

Player 1

UP : UP arrow key

DOWN : DOWN arrow key

LEFT : LEFT arrow key

RIGHT : RIGHT arrow key

REWIND : "r" key

Player 2

UP : "w" key

DOWN : "s" arrow key

LEFT : "a" arrow key

RIGHT : "d" arrow key

REWIND : "z" key

You can change these configurations to whatever you feel comfortable


If you're using a DOS computer, make sure your video device is CGA Compatible

conparision between monochrome mode (left) and color mode (right)

Enhanced Flashlight

When enabled, the visible area when using Flashlight mod will move around the screen

When disabled, the visible area when using Flashlight mod will be fixed


When enabled, you'll hear a beep sound when you make a legit move and a tune when you won or lost

The sound is played through PC Speaker

Low / High settings

This option provides better UI (may not work on newer machines)

comparision between low (left) and high (right) settings

comparision between low (left) and high (right) settings

comparision between low (left) and high (right) settings