- Remove environment variable
. All test case will produce both latency and throughput results
- TEST_NAME: "nsq"(default)|"zmq" (this version support only "nsq")
- CLIENT_MODE: "consumer"(default), "producer"
- MQ_CONNECTION_STRING: connection string to message queue endpoint
- MESSAGE_COUNT: number of message for perform testing
- MESSAGE_SIZE: size of message (byte)
- add ZMQ
- Configuration topic name (probably use topic name for each test case)
git clone https://github.com/green-lantern-id/mq-benchmarking
docker build -t green-lantern/mq-benchmarking:0.1 .
docker-compose -f docker-compose-nsq.yml up
docker run -it --rm -e CLIENT_MODE='consumer' -e MQ_CONNECTION_STRING='somewhere:someport' green-lantern/mq-benchmarking:0.1
docker run -it --rm -e CLIENT_MODE='producer' -e MQ_CONNECTION_STRING='somewhere:someport' green-lantern/mq-benchmarking:0.1
NOTE: When run all three component without docker-compose, do not use 'localhost' as a connection string use your machine real IP instead