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[ARCHIVED] 2020 Roadmap

¡Támb! edited this page May 7, 2020 · 1 revision

version 1

Will be adding custom syntax to v1! ✔️

  • This way you can use whatever you like to represent event-handling, props, etc. This should remove some cases where the syntax of Domponent may collide with a template language.

Will be adding much needed integration tests ✔️

  • As it stands, the library does not have enough integration tests. They're a pain to write, but I'll do them.

More doc examples!

  • Mustache
  • ASP
  • Twig

version 2

Potentially create a $refs Object to store data-ref and data-ref-array elements ✔️

  • This could organize the components better and automate garbage collection

Investigate element attribute binding

  • maybe through a directive like data-attr-bind='{"class": "|state.field:classname|"}'

An alternative to attribute binding would be individual watchers for props and state fields ✔️

  • Perhaps create a watch function that does a pre and post function per prop or state field. ✔️
  • A watch would fire for that individual field. So you could keep your rerendering logic around that field more organized as opposed to everything in stateDidUpdate ✔️
  • Alternatively, I could create a useHook module to bring in, in a similar way to React
  return {
    count: {
        // my update
        // my update
  • I could also add computed to it. Like in Vue
  • NEED TO ADD FOR props AS WELL ✔️

Potentially add data-if and data-show/data-hide

  • data-if would remove sections of the component from the DOM depending on component state/props
  • data-show and data-hide would add a conditional class to the DOM element depending on state/props

allow state and props binding to render HTML ❌

  • potentially add data-html tag to allow props and state to render HTML.
  • potentially add option binding value data-bind="state:Counter.count,html"
  • potentially allow state and props fields to be flagged in constructor
  • WHAT IS THE MOST SECURE WAY TO DO THIS? 3rd argument to setState?
this.setState({}, cb, true|[])

array is string of field names to render innerHTML for during that particular setState. If set to true all fields will set innerHTML

Add additional exponent method to parse a section of html and create a new component and method to bind more to current component. This will aid in adding html dynamically that needs domponent functionality

  • addHTML and removeHTML could be methods to which accept a container element and wire up all the event listeners and new components within that region.
  • alter current component utilities to allow for a dynamic root element. This should promote reuse of utilities