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GSoC 2018 Mayank Lunayach

Mayank Lunayach edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 37 revisions

Mayank Lunayach

Work Hours

Days Hours (IST) Meeting Tool
Monday 9:00 - 14:00 Scrum (9:30 pm) Slack
Tuesday 9:00 - 14:00 1:1 with Paavini (bi-Weekly 10:30 pm), Slack
Wednesday 9:00 - 14:00 1:1 with Shreyans (bi-Weekly 10:00 pm), Scrum (9:30 pm) Slack
Thursday 9:00 - 14:00 N/A N/A
Friday 9:00 - 14:00 1:1 with Rajath (bi-Weekly 8:00 pm), Scrum (9:30pm) Hangouts, Slack
Saturday 9:00 - 14:00 1:1 with Buddhi (bi-Weekly 1:15 pm), All Team Meeting (1:30-2:30 pm) Hangouts
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00 N/A N/A

Short Bio

Sophomore (IIT Kanpur). OpenSource Advocate, Contributor. Sports Lover. Quizzing. Cricket. Table Tennis.

Profile Links

Gmail | My Blog | GitHub | LinkedIn | GSoC 2018 Proposal Link | GSoC 2018 Finalized Timeline Link

Weekly Status Report for Week 1

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  1. Updated Slack profile and the Wiki page.
  2. Attended Happy Hour (27th April)
  3. Had a 1:1 meeting with Shreyansh.
  4. Scheduled and had the first meeting (informal) with all the mentors (20 minutes).
  5. Setting up of Jekyll blog and domain for publishing my blogs.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

No issues till now.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?


Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?


Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?


What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Attending the project meeting on Saturday.
  2. Publishing my blog.
  3. Reviewing pending PR's if any.
  4. Finalizing agenda for project meeting on Saturday.
  5. Taking a look at mock testing libraries.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time.

Weekly Status Report for Week 2

  1. Shared the blog link.
  2. Researched for Game Engines for making games.
  3. Researched a little for ChatBot part of the app.
  4. Had a 1:1 with Rajath.
  5. Attended Happy Hour.
  6. Attended one team building session.
  7. Had one pending PR merged.
  8. Had a project meeting on Saturday (Timeline finalized before the 1st evaluation period, almost.)

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

No issues.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?


Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?


Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?


What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Finalize the timeline.
  2. 1:1 with Paavini.
  3. 1:1 with Buddhi.
  4. Searching open source images for two games.
  5. Learning Testing.
  6. Gaining more insight into ML part of the project.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time.

Weekly Status Report for Week 3

  1. Learnt Unit Testing.
  2. Had 1:1 with Paavini and Buddhi.
  3. Had a project meeting to discuss the timeline.
  4. Continued research on ML part.
  5. Attended Happy Hour.
  6. Attended one team building session.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

No issues.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?


Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?


Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?


What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Finish Upgradation and fix the relevant GitHub issue.
  2. Initiate the making of the 1st game.
  3. 1:1 with Shreyans.
  4. 1:1 with Rajath.
  5. Write the first blog of my GSoC journey.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time.

Weekly Status Report for Week 4

  1. Upgraded the Angular and node versions of our project.
  2. Had 1:1 with Rajath and Shreyans.
  3. Had a project meeting where we finalised the timeline.
  4. Attended GSoC Happy Hour

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  1. New deprecations that came with the newly upgraded versions. A bit time got consumed in sorting these issues.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

No, few minor issues still there.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

Yes, few minor issues are there. Currently trying to debug them.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

Yes, mentors are already assisting me in solving issues on the slack channel. That is very welcoming.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Publish 1st blog of coding period.
  2. Have the game "Stop the breed" game implemented.
  3. Have its tests written.
  4. Have 1:1 with Paavini and Buddhi.
  5. Attend GSoC Happy Hour.
  6. Attend Project meeting.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time.

Weekly Status Report for Week 5

  1. Fixed the issue that resulted after the upgradation and sent the PR.
  2. Had 1:1 with Paavini.
  3. Implemented the "StopTheBreed" game and sent the PR.
  4. Updated 1:1 meeting with mentors' document.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  1. An issue with setting Http Headers in new upgraded Angular. The error was a bit weird one, and I misunderstood it to be of Backend. This, resulted in me spending a lot of time debugging it.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

Yes, it got resolved. I was earlier mutating Http Headers while requesting from API. Now this is not the case.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

No, not currently.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?


What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Integrate the backend with "Stop the Breed" game and also write it's tests.
  2. Implement the "Stride Against Malaria" game.
  3. Attend project team meeting.
  4. Have 1:1 with Buddhi, Shreyans and Rajath.
  5. Attending GSoC happy hour.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time.

Weekly Status Report for Week 6

  1. Made sure that all the previously written tests are passing and did correction in spec files to make sure that.
  2. Completed Stop-The-Breed game.
  3. Finished the UI code part of "Stride-Against-Malaria", so that I could show demo to mentors.
  4. Had 1:1 with Rajath and Shreyans.
  5. Attended All team meeting.
  6. Published blog for Week 2 of coding period.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  1. A major issue was with passing the Karma tests and then integrating Travis CLI with it.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

Yes, they got resolved. First of all, karma tests were failing because of leakage in some subscriptions in spec files. I resolved them by mocking it properly. I had no prior experience with Travis CLI, so just took a bit time in setting it up.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

No, not currently.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?


What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Finish both the games as per suggestions in the weekly team meeting.
  2. Have the profile updation component ready.
  3. Have the change in UI of the app as per Peace Corps guidelines.
  4. Have UI changes in top and side navbar.
  5. Have the Performace display component ready.
  6. Have an improved registration experience.
  7. Have 1:1 with Paavini and Buddhi.
  8. Publish blog for Week 3.
  9. Attend GSoC happy hour.
  10. Attend all team meeting.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time.

Weekly Status Report for Week 7

  1. Made changes in "Stop-The-Breed" game as discussed in Weekly meeting and then later in PR reviews.
  2. Made changes in "Stride-Against-Malaria" game as discussed in the weekly meeting.
  3. Completed the User Profile update component and pushed the PR.
  4. Made some changes as per new Peace Corps guidelines.
  5. Enhancements in top/side navbar.
  6. Performance display component.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  1. Felt the timeline a bit stiff.
  2. It was becoming difficult to work in many parallel branches due to unmerged PRs.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  1. Would work on my efficiency.
  2. Would remind my mentors to review/merge pending PRs.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Improving Registration component.
  2. Code Cleanup and preparation of the demo.
  3. Giving user badges, certificates.
  4. Security enhancements.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time(nearly)

Weekly Status Report for Week 8

  1. Attended weekly meeting.
  2. As per suggestions in the weekly meeting, improved "Stop the Breed, game" algorithm.
  3. Made changes in Profile Update component.
  4. Pushed PR for Performance Display and UI improvements.
  5. Addressed reviews raised in PRs
  6. Completed "Improving Registration" task.
  7. Completed "Giving User badges" task.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week? No issues

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Completing "Certificates" task.
  2. Completing "Security Enhancements" task.
  3. Initiating "ChatBot" Upgradation part.
  4. Upgrading the unlocked stage game to "Moskito Asasinato".

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time(nearly)

Weekly Status Report for Week 9

  1. Attended weekly meeting.
  2. As per suggestions, improved the Registration component.
  3. Completed the Certificate component, Security Enhancements, and Badge functionality. (Pushed their PR)
  4. Addressed the reviews in the previous PR.
  5. Initial code for moskito-asasinato.
  6. Worked for "Navigation to other parts in ChatBot".

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

No issues

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Completing "Moskito Asaninato" task.
  2. Have some results ready after training ChatBot part.
  3. Starting with LeaderBoard.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time(nearly)

Weekly Status Report for Week 10

  1. Attended weekly meeting.
  2. As per suggestions, improved and redesigned the certificate component.
  3. Wrote more tests for badge component.
  4. Re-designed Reset password component with the new material design.
  5. Pushed PR for ChatBot component. (Did some restructuring with the current design as well.)
  6. There was a bug with the current algorithm for detecting collisions. Took a while, but was able to figure it out and improved it. Then added the net element and added it's functionality.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

Issue towards the end of the week in detecting collisions.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

No, with some efforts, I was able to solve it towards the end of the week.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Complete Moskito Asasinato.
  2. Experiment on some dataset (like that was suggested in the beginning) in Tensorflow.
  3. Starting with LeaderBoard.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time(nearly)

Weekly Status Report for Week 11

  1. Attended weekly meeting.
  2. As per suggestions, completed the game Moskito Asasinato and sent its PR. (added features like, multiple mosquitoes, individual mosquito health, activation of the net over hovering)
  3. Resolved issues with existing PRs and got them merged.
  4. Learnt about LSTM and Seq2Seq models and implemented and trained two open domain chatbots based on neural conservational model paper.
  5. As per slack discussions, started working on Retrieval modal using an NLP framework RASA-NLU. To train and test it, also generated a dataset for the same.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

Generative models were giving somewhat random results in conversations.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

I then shifted to the retrieval model and things started to go smoothly.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. After completing the dataset part, training the bot and integrating with the current system.
  2. Writing backend code for Leaderboard as well as implementing its front end.
  3. Starting with the task of increasing the levels of activities.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time(very much so)

Weekly Status Report for Week 12

  1. Attended weekly meeting.
  2. As per the deadline, completed the LeaderBoard and sent its PR.
  3. Completed increasing multiple levels for 4 activities and sent its PR.
  4. Resumed the ChatBot part and increased its capacity. Also integrated with current Application.
  5. Updated 1:1 meeting document.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Fine tuning the Bot and sending a complete PR.
  2. Resolve issues with current PRs.
  3. Completed increasing level of remaining activities.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time(very much so)

Weekly Status Report for Week 13

  1. Attended weekly meeting.
  2. Made the community doc for getting responses for chatbot dialogues and shared it with the community.
  3. Added new quiz questions in the OddOneOut as discussed in the weekly meeting.
  4. Changed the design and location of LevelNavigation component.
  5. Completed adding multiple levels to the next half of activities and pushed its PR.
  6. Attended the community meeting to give the presentation about the doc.
  7. Prepared the slides for the demo that I'll give for 1st and 2nd phase.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Fine tuning the bot with the responses received in the doc.
  2. Address issues with current PR's and have them merged.
  3. Complete good portion of offline caching.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time

Weekly Status Report for Week 14

  1. Changed appearance of level navigation component and LeaderBoard as discussed in the weekly meeting.
  2. Pushed the PR of the upgraded ChatBot.
  3. Completed good portion of Offline Caching.
  4. Addressed comments in all the current PR's.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Attending weekly meeting.
  2. Solving new issues that were created during the coding period.
  3. Completing with Documentation of ChatBot.
  4. Completing stretch goals as decided in weekly meeting.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time

Weekly Status Report for Week 15

  1. Completed an extensive documentation for the ChatBot.
  2. Completed Offline Caching and sent its PR.
  3. Enabled transaction rollback in case of failure.
  4. Solved the issued raised by May.
  5. Created the Disclaimer page.
  6. Enhanced the dos and donts activity.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  1. Have a good documentation for the rest of the app as well.
  2. Refactoring node code with good design patterns.
  3. Addressing any issues with the current PRs.
  4. Attended the weekly meeting.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

On time