I'm using this repo as a way to save all my dotfiles and somewhat keep track of my linux journey because why not :)
Tools | |
Shell / prompt | Oh-my-zsh / Starship |
Terminal | Wezterm |
Fonts | JetBrains Mono Nerd Font |
Editor | Nvim (lazy.nvim) |
Terminal Multiplexer | Tmux |
Desktop Environment | Gnome-COSMIC (Pop_OS!) |
Colourscheme | Catppuccin-Mocha |
According to this tutorial, the installation steps are:
- Add
into .gitignore to avoid recursive issues
echo ".cfg" >> .gitignore
- Clone the repo, add
flag if you wish to use a bare repo (recommended)
git clone <remote-git-repo-url> $HOME/.cfg
- Set up an alias that sends Git commands to
, also set$HOME
as the work tree, while storing the Git state at.cfg
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=<path to .cfg’s Git directory> --work-tree=$HOME'
- Checkout the actual content from
. It might fail because your computer has similar file names in.cfg
config checkout
Since lazy.nvim is already bootloaded. Just go into .config/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua
or any file in neovim
:Lazy sync
The prefix of my config is C-s
- Install TPM.
- Source
with shortcutPrefix + r
tmux source .tmux.conf
- Install plugin with TPM by using
Prefix + I