Useful commands/wrappers around common development and test utilities:
-- Find duplicate PHP code via PHP Copy/Paste Detectorphpcs
-- Detects violations of a defined set of coding standards via PHP Code Sniffer.phpdcd
-- Find dead/unused PHP code via PHP Dead Code Detectorphploc
-- Measure the size of a PHP project via PHP Lines of Codephpmd
-- Analyze source code for several potential problems via PHP Mess Detectorphpunit
-- Run PHPunit unit tests.
Also in the bundle a single command to run every command at once:
-- Run phpcpd + phpcs + phpdcd + phploc + phpmd + phpunit over a single plugin/theme
Work in progress:
-- Combines and minifies JavaScript and CSS files via YUI Compressor.phpdoc
-- Generate project documentation via phpDocumentor.phpcov
-- Measure and report code testing coverage via PHP_CodeCoverage.
- PHP >=5.4
- Composer
- wp-cli
- Install wp-cli
- Install wp-cli-devtools
cd /path/to/wp-cli/
composer require pixline/wp-cli-devtools=dev-master
- Add wp-cli bin/ folder to $PATH (important!!):
echo 'PATH="/path/to/wp-cli/bin/:$PATH" >> .bash_profile
Copyright (c) 2013+ Paolo Tresso [email protected]
Plugin released with the MIT License