This plugin allows to create real time votings within ILIAS. It is compatible with the previous LiveVoting plugin for ILIAS < 7.0.
Please, notice that previous versions of the plugin were numbered with dates (e.g. 2021.01.01). This version is numbered with the ILIAS version it is compatible with (e.g. ilias9 -> 9.x). You need to change the plugin version in the il_plugin table of the database to something lower than 9.0.0 before running the following commands.
Ensure you delete any previous LiveVoting folder in Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject/
Create subdirectories, if necessary for Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject/ or run the following script from the ILIAS root
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject
- Then, execute:
git clone https://github.com/surlabs/LiveVotingRW.git ./LiveVoting
cd LiveVoting
git checkout ilias9
Ensure you run composer and npm install at platform root before you install/update the plugin
composer install --no-dev
npm install
Run ILIAS update script at platform root
php setup/setup.php update
Ensure you don't ignore plugins at the ilias .gitignore files and don't use --no-plugins option at ILIAS setup
If you want to use the Shortlink mode, you need to rewrite the rule in .htaccess or Apache-Config
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?vote(/\w*)? /Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject/LiveVoting/pin.php?xlvo_pin=$1 [L]
- Initially created by studer + raimann ag, switzerland
- Further maintained by fluxlabs ag, switzerland
- Revamped and currently maintained by SURLABS, spain SURLABS
- Bug Reports: Mantis (Choose project "ILIAS plugins" and filter by category "LiveVoting")
- SIG LiveVoting: Forum
- The version 9.x.x for ILIAS 9 maintained by SURLABS can be found in the Github branch ilias9
- The version 8.x.x for ILIAS 8 maintained by SURLABS can be found in the Github branch ilias8
- The previous plugin versions for ILIAS <8 is archived. It can be found in https://github.com/fluxapps/LiveVoting