🔹I am studying the fifth semester of integrated technical course in IT at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE)
🔹Currently studying in the third semester of Casa de Cultura Britânica, an English course at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC)
📚I am an artist, I have danced and performed in the group MiraIra at IFCE for almost 2 years. I am also part of the LPCT (Laboratório de Práticas Culturais e Tradicionais) developing research linked to PIBIC-Jr, the article has the following theme: "O CORPO DO TRABALHO E SUA PRESENÇA EM CORPOS BRINCANTES: ESTUDO SOBRE CORPOREIDADE A PARTIR DA BRINCADEIRA DE COCO CEARENSE.". I research with the aim of having knowledge in other areas, knowing how to develop research/articles and bringing the human side to projects involving computing.