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Releases: sundevilrobotics/urc-code

URC 2020 SAR

23 Jul 06:57
Choose a tag to compare

At this time, the repository allows for the following functionality:

  • Storing joystick data in topics.
  • Driving the chassis in tank mode.
  • Operating the arm.
  • Detecting URC 2020 AR tags with a calibrated camera.

The following notable bugs have not been resolved:

  • Chassis motor sensors are not able to be accessed.
  • Chassis motors only run in open-loop mode.
  • Chassis turning is very difficult due to physical motor configuration.
  • Arm does not have safety features or limits to prevent potential dangerous effects.
  • AR tag tracking is independent and does not interface with rest of rover code.

This release is missing the following functionality:

  • Biology subsystems code has not been included in this release.
  • GPS code has not been included in this release.
  • No GUI yet.
  • No LIDAR yet.
  • No processing of data yet or any synthesis of individual subsystem packages into a main controllable system.