Spring Boot 2.6.3
Spring Security with JWT
H2 Database
This API is developed for signing up an authentication user. The API is made public for keeping things simple. In the live environment, this API should be restricted.
This API provides the generated JWT token in response to the HTTP request provided that the HTTP request is authenticated through basic authentication.
This API will return the list of employees under the given position. Any request to this API is granted if and only if the provided JWT token is valid.
This is the table where employee information is stored. The table structure is kept minimum in order to not deviate from the main purpose.
Two unit test cases have been written. One is intended for a failure case and the other one is for a success case.
Failure Case (getAllEmployees_accessForbidden
Success Case (getAllEmployees_success
For better logging and monitoring every HTTP request is intercepted and assigned a unique request ID (UUID). In every successive log of the aforementioned request that unique request ID is printed. So debugging an issue and finding the relevant logs of a request is a matter of a minute.
This is a sample log when a request is made to the /employee-filtered API. The bold characters inside the braces [] is a unique request ID.
13/02/2022 20:18:23.828 [397367b1-bece-40e3-8d90-19d41842d4d7] [http-nio-8077-exec-3] DEBUG c.a.w.controller.EmployeeController - Request received to serve filtered employees by position: Senior Manager
The application packaging is configured to JAR but it can be changed to WAR through a small change mentioning in the pom.xml file.