This terminal-based chess game was built in a coffee shop in Queens, NY over a weekend in May 2019. Fueled by matcha and lofi hip hop, this python implementation features an AI computer player that uses a min-max based algorithm to arrive at a move.
Each player takes a turn, starting with the human, followed by AI. During the human's turn, a move is arrived at by moving the cursor to select a start position and end position.
w: up
s: down
a: left
d: right
' ': select position
To play, begin by cloning this repo and navigating into it via terminal.
Next, install the following dependencies:
$ brew install python3
$ pip3 install getch
$ pip3 instal colored
If you don't have homebrew, you can download python at
If you're on pc, install msvcrt
instead of getch
Finally, run python3