The aim of d-chimer pipeline is to detect and assign fragments of contigs included in chimeric sequences during taxonomic assignment with BLAST. It first executes BLAST and filters its results and recycles unassaigned contig fragments.
d-chimer can execute a BLASTn or a BLASTx independently when searching against reference databases. In the BLASTn version, a cycle is made of i) a search against a nucleotide database (ncbi nt), ii) filtering of the outputs where recycling is done and ends with iii) taxonomic identification by adding full lineage path and names.
The BLASTx version runs by i) using a custom viral protein database ii) the matching sequences are extracted iii) the matching sequences undergo a second BLASTx against the whole protein database (ncbi nr), iV) the filter is executed as in BLAST (step ii) and taxonomic identification done as in BLASTn (step iv).
In the the d-chimer publication, datasets were first submitted to d-chimer BLASTn and the non-matching sequences were then re-submitted to d-chimer BLASTx (see figure below).
Once d-chimer is installed (see section 3 for installation) and the parameters configured (through the d-chimer_config.yaml
file, section 4), it can be used as follow *:
python3 /path/to/d-chimer/ -p blastn -L True -f query_file.fasta
python3 /path/to/d-chimer/ -p blastx -L True -f query_file.fasta
* We recommand users to execute d-chimer in the directory where they input data are.
By default, d-chimer runs in a recursive manner. The number of cycles can be limited by using the -m option. For example, to limit d-chimer to two cycles :
python3 /path/to/d-chimer/ -p blastn -L True -f query_file.fasta -m 2
For full view of d-chimer options, type :
python3 /path/to/d-chimer/ -h
usage: [-h] -p blastprogram -L True | False -f fastafile
[-m max_loops]
run a blast program and filter its outputs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p blastprogram, --program blastprogram
blastProgram (required) : blastn or blastx
-L True | False, --local True | False
use local machine BLAST+ programs or Biopython
embedded ones (required) : True = use local AND False
= use Biopython BLAST+
-f fastafile, --fasta fastafile
input fasta_file (required)
-m max_loops, --max_recursive_loops max_loops
maximum number of times to process uncovered zones
python3 /path/to/d-chimer/ -p blastn -L True -f testSequences.fasta
for each cycle, will be written :
The blastn hits : (cycle 1 blastn hits). It is a 17 column tabultated BLASTn output file : the 12 firts are default BLAST outputs + five columns standing respectively for taxid, kingdom, query length, query sequence alignment and subject sequence alignment
The uncovered_zones :
The blastn negative sequences : testSequences.1.bn_neg.fasta
A file to ensure that there no mismatches during taxonomy joining to filtered outputs (must be empty, if correct):
A folder containing the final outputs, named : testSequences_bn_out/
The filtered outputs :
It is a ten column file which contains contains : contig identifiant (line 1), taxonomic identifiant (line 2), subject accession number (line 3), identity percent (line 4), e-value (line 5), alignment length (line 6), query alignment start coordinate (line 7), query alignment end coordinate (line 7), subject alignment start coordinate (line 8), subject alignment end coordinate (line 8).
- Taxomony associated filered output (see the image below) :
It is an eleven column file which contains contains : taxonomic identifiant (line 1), contig identifiant (line 2), subject accession number (line 3), identity percent (line 4), e-value (line 5), alignment length (line 6), query alignment start coordinate (line 7), query alignment end coordinate (line 7), subject alignment start coordinate (line 8), subject alignment end coordinate (line 8) and full taxomic path (line 9)
- query/subjects alignments : Its a three lines item with a description followed by two lines each representing the BLAST aligned sequence for contig and subject.
A similar set of file are produced with blastx... everywhere "bn" is replaced by "bx". Additional intermediate files will be produced :
- BLASTx against viral database output : testSequences.bx.vir.csv
- List of matching sequences against the viral database : test_1.1.bx.vir.list
- Fasta file of sequneces matching the viral database : testSequences.bx.vir.fas
d-chimer produces all the outputs in the repository where it was launched.
Users can execute the
bash script once this repo is cloned, to get d-chimer source code, the python libraries and custom data.
Clone or download the d-chimer repository.
git clone
d-chimer depends on several python3 libraries and ncbi-BLAST and databases.
- Python libraries
Biopython and PyYAML
For example, using python pip command as below:
pip install biopython pip install PyYAML
The taxonomic full lineage paths are needed for d-chimer to complete its run correctly ***** see also section 5.4 below fo details.***** It is available at
Using unix wget command (for example) to download:
wget ""
The file named "new_taxdump.tar.gz", takes few seconds to be downloaded.
Decompress it using, for example:
tar xzf new_taxdump.tar.gz
Create a tab delimited taxo file :
The command used here reformats the original NCBI fullnamelineage.dmp
file into a taxid sorted
tabulated file, named fullnamelineage_taxid_sorted.dmp
cat fullnamelineage.dmp|sed "s/\s\+\|\s\+//g"|sed 's/\|//2g'|awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}{print $1,$3,$4,$2}'|sed "s/\s/\t/g"|sort -k1,1 > fullnamelineage_taxid_sorted.dmp
Using the ncbi nr database directly were too long for BLASTx searche, we used a custom database for the BLASTx version. It is made by downloading all proteing sequences in ncbi nr protein database. The produced fasta file was deduplicated using cd-hit ( or Using the d-chimer BLASTx version provided here requires a two ways BLASTx.
cd-hit -i input_viruses.fna -o viruses_nr_prots.100p.faa -c 1.00 -t 1
where :
-i : input file
-o : output file
-c : %identity `number of identical amino acids in alignment divided by the full length of the shorter sequence`
-t : tolerance for redundance
- We provide the BLAST formatted viral proteins database used in the d-chimer paper it is available here :
Once the zip file downloaded and decompressed, users must specify its path in the d-chimer_config.yaml file (section 4, below).
Fill the different fields in the d-chimer_config.yaml file :
blastn_parameters : dbpath_nt : /home/user/db/ncbi/nt/nt nb_threads_bn : 28 evalue_nt : 0.01 filter_blastn_parameters (-d is the shift parameter, -l is the minimum alignment length allowed -I is and identifiant over which cycles are incremented): d : 10 l : 50 I : 1 blastx_parameters : dbpath_vrl : /home/user/db/ncbi/virnr/viruses_nr_prots.100p.faa dbpath_nr : /home/user/db/ncbi/nr/nr nb_threads_bx : 28 evalue_vir : 0.1 evalue_nr : 0.01 filter_blastx_parameters (-d is the shift parameter, -l is the minimum alignment length allowed -I is and identifiant over which cycles are incremented): d : 10 l : 17 I : 1 add_taxo_parameters : tax_lineages_file : /home/user/db/fullnamelineage_taxid_sorted.dmp blast_path : /home/user/tools/ncbi-blast-2.12.0+/bin
d-chimer handles the chimeric sequences by using:
BLAST is used to make homology search of input sequences against a reference database; either nucleotides or proteins database.
The d-chimer filter analyses coordinates of subjects aligned by BLAST on queries to build stacks of subjects aligning at the same regions of the query. The top scoring subject for each stack is kept. The regions without any subject (uncovered zones) are cut and saved in a new fasta file. They will be re-submitted automatically to BLAST.
Uncovered zones produced are taken and re-submitted to BLAST and filtered, in a new cycle. The process ends when no uncovered zones are found or no BLAST hit is produced or maximum number cycles is reached.
After this process completes, filtered outputs (from the filter) are joined to the taxonomic information (using fullnamelineage_taxid_sorted.dmp
file ; see section 3.2.1).
Users can either use custon databases and configure conveniently database paths in yaml files and taxonomic information as indicated in section 3.
BLAST+ can be installed, by downloading binaries here :
download with wget : wget
BLAST databases can be downloaded from this link :
If blast+ programs are installed, ncbi nucleotide and protein databases can be downloaded by using the following commands :
nucleotide database nt
protein database nr
/!\ Biopython based BLAST+ is used for ease of installation but cannot handle the ncbi V5 databases.
The biopython blast calls fail with blast v5 databases but works fine with V4 ones. When using biopython embedded BLAST+ programs, please use the option "-L False".
To use v5 databases, one have to install local BLAST+ programs and databases, configure accordingly the yaml
file by providing absolute path to the local installation of BLAST+ binaries repository and databases ; the "-L True" option must be used when running d-chimer.
A best-hit filter is available
. It chooses the best-scoring match subject for each query sequence in the csv file. For that, it takes a fasta file (queries used with BLASTn/x), the resulting output csv file and produces the same outputs as d-chimer at a given cycle (cf section 2
of this document).
It shares the -p, -f, -c, -l, -I
options with the same significances as d-chimer.
python3 /path/to/d-chimer/ -h
usage: [-h] -p blastprogram -f fastafile -c csvfile [-l minBpLength] -I idrecursif
Postprocessing of blast csv files using best scoring match
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p blastprogram, --program blastprogram
blastProgram (required) : blastn or blastx
-f fastafile, --fasta fastafile
fasta file used as BLAST input
-c csvfile, --csv csvfile
csv file, BLAST output
-l minBpLength, --length minBpLength
length (default 50): i.e minimum length of an alignment
-I id, --Id id
A number to identify files
usage : besthit_filter [-h] -p blastprogram -f fastafile -c input csvfile -l length -I id